What game engine to use with blender

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Hmmm. No one mentioned Blend4web (blend4web.com). That is at least partially open source.

Also if you love Blender, maybe UE4 is good to go with as they support blender see here.

Yeah they support it by bribing 1 mil dollars in donations to blender foundation just to erase BGE from further development ! When i started searching for a game engine there were only few, now there are a dozen, but blender decided to drop his ! How come others can build open source game engines, and the biggest open source program there is can’t build one ? And not only they can’t build it, but they erase they’rs !

Maybe it’s true or not. Fact is lots of game engines appeared in the last 2 years, open source or not, but Blender can’t build one, or at least it takes 10 years to, and until it’s done, who know’s what new features will appear and blender game engine will be old from start ! :neutral_face: . Or maybe i’m wrong. But i always tend to believe things from promises other that what i see as fact !

Man sebastian84 you need to calm down with this.

Nothing wrong with using other software or game engines along side blender and theres no reason that those projects cant be posted here. This ISNT a purely Blender/BGE forum, its 100% accepted here to use other software - as long as the project involved Blender its fair game here. So try to calm it down with the gate keeping its getting out of control… And then if youve got no interest in anything other than the BGE, maybe stay away from a thread like this? Clearly not what youre into. Problem solved.

As for an actual on-topic response, Id personally recommend looking into Unity. But really it does come down to the type of game youre looking at making as well. But I think personally I prefer a game engine thats more ‘sandbox-y’, since I like to experiment and work on a range of different games. Ive also been interested in Urho3d as well, which looks pretty neat and lightweight. Have also heard good things about Godot.

You’re right, but i’m stuck with Blender no matter what, so i need a Blender integrated game engine. That’s all ! :rofl:

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man a world without choice is not a utopia ,you should learn from juli kidmen :rofl:

Are there any game examples of Blend4Web. I find it’s incredibly hard to find something other than screenshots on their site. I did see some interactive 3d but I don’t remember how I found it. Thanks,

then great don’t derail this thread in every possible way.

grabs popcorn

Seriously though, Unreal has a bunch of resources for open world projects so maybe check that out. Someone mentioned blend4web and I suppose one can create cool stuff with that or similar webgl frameworks, but I can’t speak for how good it’d perform. In my experience, if you need to do complex simulations and be real fancy, then go for C.

There are a few examples on youtube. Just look up “bled4web game play”. I don’t think you are going to get AAA game results though.
I tried to use it to make an online maze. But I couldn’t use blend4web because I had made the maze in CAD there were too many difficulties trying to set up colliders.

I ended up using Unity (couldn’t use UE4 because its’ WebGL exporter messed up my texture UV’s.