What is happening to Blender with 2.8 release ? from everyday user perspective... and more

I don’t like that is says comments were flagged by the community, when the community was flagged by a moderator.
Other than that, I would have locked the thread after this post: What is happening to Blender with 2.8 release ? from everyday user perspective... and more - #342 by apoclypse

It’s also not how prices work. Prices are expected to produce a return covering at the very least the expenses during development and usually a profit on top of that.

People always talk about how in some areas people can’t afford something, and so prices should be lowered to accommodate them accordingly.
But this is a two way street. What about devs in the west who have much higher living expenses? This is what the prices are based on. They should be at least. In addition, the prices of my products went up, as I put more work into them. The additional value provided as a result of additional work is reflected in the price.
For addons there are also additional expenses due to ongoing support requests, which you basically don’t have when you sell art or tutorials, not to the same degree. This is also priced in accordingly.

And yet, Blender addons are still amazingly cheap for the value they provide. They should in fact be priced higher to allow more people to generate an income from this. I’d guess around 10 people in the entire Blender community can actually make a living from addon sales at this point in time.

I can’t set region based prices, but what customers can do is get in early, when a product is fresh on the market and still priced relatively low. Because what essentially all addon devs do - as far as I can tell - is provide free updates for life. Where else do you get that?