What is the most bat-guano-insane thing in Blender that you can't believe they haven't fixed yet?

The idea of asset browser was evoked for 2.5x.
Elubie worked on a design, at that moment. And then, it was not touched until 2.8x.
At least, that has never as concrete as now. It is present in master and almost past the cut for 2.93 (basically, only materials are supported and more data types need to be supported to obtain something more useful than current file browser).
It just has been postponed to Blender 3.0. And there is no doubt : it will not be postponed to next year.

If that is a mistake, Ctrl Z should work.
That was same behavior in blender 2.7x to display layers, except that a “show_all_layers” operator was present in 2.7x to be able to return to default after intentional changes.
That is a pity that a “show_all_collections” operator is still missing after 2 years.
User is forced to restore hidden collections one by one, use Collection_Manager addon or create his own version of addon.

There are lots of cases where user is expecting to benefit of opposite operator or a reset and where there is simply none.

Lack of a good, easy to use method of getting outlines on objects in Blender for NPR renders. I never had need for it until recently, when I got hired to build sets and backgrounds for an upcoming webcomic. I simply took it for granted Blender would have something like this, as other software have no problem doing it. Hell, even SKETCHUP has the ability to save viewpoert renders with almost any line style you can concieve of, including sketchy hand drawn styles.

Much to my surprise, Blender does not have a simple, easy to use low impact way to do this.

Freestyle and grease pencil do not count as both are incredibly clunky to use, and slow to render, with high CPU / RAM usage, especially freestyle. I understand there is abuild called Blender Outline nodes, but AFAIK it is not a mainstream Blender item and may not be. Adding something like an Outline node to the main Blender branch should have been done long time ago.

Anyway there’s my two centicreds worth.


That will be solved in next release.
You will just have to add a Scene LineArt object.

Me stupid.
Me never thought of that.


Well that isn’t really what I’d call “low hanging fruit” that can be fixed in a few hours/days. The asset browser in the beta builds as well as the library override system are broken as hell and have been for like 2 years.

There are several asset manager addons. I suspect at least half of them will wind up being better than whatever we eventually get built into blender. I’ve been enjoying this one https://blendermarket.com/products/the-asset-library as I’ve been converting random stuff from blendswap.com into assets.

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press undo. It’s a feature the long-term blender users are very fond of but I would like a way to disable it too.

A possible issue but not really with Blender… The addon Blendkit seems to keep thinking im trying to save a material to their database just because i pressed Ctrl S to save my file… blendkit is always giving me some error text saying it failed to upload or some such nonsense.

You can disable it in the keymap.

In my opinion thats undo performance. In the end of the project where scene gets heavier thats really productivity killer. Want try to undo some small change, wait for 5-10 seconds and again and again. This limitation exists since years. On RCS you can find this in the top voted requests and its marked as DONE.

Light linking in cycles. Can’t believe it’s still not a thing.
Sorry, if anyone mentioned it already.


Been waiting 2 years for this one – Cycles viewport render border no longer shows scene behind with OpenGL – https://developer.blender.org/T63064

And another one from a year ago – “Paste Objects” doesn’t copy source objects’ collection heirarchy

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If there are asset manager addons, it is because python API allows them to exist.

There is no reason to be defeatist and consider that final asset browser will be terrible.
Current asset browser is not broken. It is half build. That is an important difference.

Blender developers are not incompetent. Their work in progress is open.
And real problem is that users/developers communication is always confusing about status of features.

To caricature :

  • Developers always consider that current state is just a milestone before next one.
    So, it does not matter if lack of abilities is not allowing to complete workflow.
  • And users are always expecting that : at the moment, the idea is evoked, developers will deliver a perfectly working feature in the following hour.

It will be great if everybody was respecting the work of each other.

Currently Blender2.8x, 2.9x, 3.0 are frustrating users because those are releases corresponding to transition with 2.7x or accumulation of first milestones about a design that is supposed to become fluent when second milestones will be settled. And a lot of those lacks are currently filled by addons.
It is expected for a Free Open Source Software that people will contribute to its code.
That is something that is not happening at the scale people of Blender Foundation expected, for various reasons.
The ability of Blender Community to accomplish 2.8 design in a reasonable amount of time has been overestimated.
And now, that work corresponding to first milestones has been done, everywhere ; there is no U-turn possible. We are forced to wait for developers to reach second milestones.
Most of those milestones has been listed into d.b.o tasks. We should not be talking about those ones.

We should be talking about things that are not on developers list. IMO, UI discussion has been interrupted too soon for many stuff to allow developers to pass to another subject and pretend that Blender 2.8 or 2.9 was there.
Probably for same reason, we will have a Blender 3.0 release that will continue to suck in many areas.

When an UI refactor is announced, there are lots of people coming from other software starting to interfere. Yes, their remarks are pertinent about discoverability, readability, etc… Are they in phase with community abilities, management, history ? No.

To me, there are basis of UI that are not robust.
Inability to place Adjust Last Operation panel at a fixed site, anywhere in UI.
Inability to manage several columns of panels in Properties Editor.
Inability to customize Toolbar with desired active tools and addons buttons.
Inability to customize menus without scripting.

By default, we have lots of operators that are working on all visible objects or just on active object. But we are often missing equivalent to work on a selection or a collection. Instead, we are losing time in copying/pasting.
To me, that is a lot of work that will not be solved by few weeks that will be dedicated to UI workshop.

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Ive been using Connector from Design Connected. Its generally pretty good, but DESPERATELY needs to have the ability to change font sizes etc – its making my poor eyes crazy – otherwise, I’m pretty happy with it, it just galls me that blender doesnt have one of its own that matches the superb quality of the rest of the system

If there’s one thing that’s always irked me, it’s how Blender handles materials on a per-object basis, rather than per-scene. It’s especially annoying when you’re working with instances. If you want to change something, you have to unhide your original object and select it before you tweak it in the shader editor.

It’d be so nice if you could instead sort through your materials from the outliner.


Honestly all it would take is a way to unlink the shader editor from the active object and be free to sort through all materials stored in the file. Sort of a “material browser”


I assume there are addons that do this. Surely it would be simple to ask the community to try them all out and vote on the best one then include that as a built-in addon, maybe even consider enabling it by default to satisfy people coming from saner programs for a few years while we wait for a proper solution.


Having 2.79 edit mode performance back.

This should be brought to light before upcoming UI workshops.

Because of this philosophical-debate-bullshit-related-thing I almost entirely stopped modeling and moved most of my work to sculpting.

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How normals (bumpmaps and normal maps) are rendered in EEVEE. I am talking about the darker oily blots when you look at a plane with a PBR material on a grazing angle.
If you ask me, this should have priority above UI, and other features like asset manager and even Geometry nodes.


These are different things done by different people and so cannot be prioritized like that. There is nobody working on “UI, and other features like asset manager and even Geometry nodes” who could suddenly start working on EEVEE rendering issues. And the people working on EEVEE are not working on those other things now.

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