What side effects did you get from the vaccine?

When I think of vaccines, I think of examples like the one for smallpox and other diseases that you don’t really hear much of if at all, in that you can be around people with things like measles all day and you will simply be unable to get it. To even experience symptoms at least is just impossible, which is quite different from the Covid shots which do allow people to test positive and have symptoms regardless.

I will also note that the shots have not yet been updated to specifically target the latest variants (as opposed to just the original one from 2019), so keep that in mind before you spin the roulette wheel on yet more boosters.

To calmly repeat myself – a “vaccine” does not cause your body’s own cells to produce the pathogen that your body’s immune system is then supposed to learn how to fight. It introduces dead or incapacitated copies of the hostile proteins. A very, very fundamental difference. Your body attacks the proteins and learns then remembers how to do so, but it never attacks your own cells because they are never involved.

I stand by my original comment.

The CDC explicitly altered its chosen meaning of this term not just once but several times. Then, they tried to align what they were saying with the text of laws and regulations which were penned by authors who had different meanings for the word. If they’d been forced to use the term, “gene therapy,” instead of the innocuous “vaccine,” then I suspect that millions of individuals would never have given consent. To obtain that “informed consent,” I assert that these people were “deliberately misinformed.”

To me, this is deliberate deception, and part of what I believe will soon be found to be criminal. We shall very soon see. You can obtain legal immunity from certain acts, but not criminal ones.

And, with that, I have nothing further to say.

From Wikipedia:

" A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease"

The covid vaccine certainly fits that definition…

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Maybe not intentionally, but RNA can change DNA via Intracellular Reverse Transcription.

The “vaccine” itself is also manufactured via gene modifications. Not to mention the animal or human cells that are used in production.
You can insist that it is all fine and dandy, that the record high numbers of heart diseases, strokes and sudden death among young and otherwise healthy individuals has nothing to do with the “vaccines”
or you wake up and smell the authoritarianism / fascism.

Is there a source for that? Sounds interesting.

Also, let’s not pretend that any of us have the faintest idea of how these things work. This is a forum for 3D artists, and I highly doubt that there are many among us who are advanced vaccine researchers.
Personally, I’d rather trust the people who have devoted their lives to studying the field, who all seem to say that mrna vaccines are fine.


I’m locking this topic until our @moderators had a chance to clean it up. BA is not a place to be peddling conspiracy theories.