What side effects did you get from the vaccine?

Good to know… I guess that’s why people drive by them and smack them with a baseball bat.

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Just went for my Pfizer booster, a slight stinging sensation at the injection site, which has subsided, nothing else so far…

I got my booster 4 days ago. All I had to face was the usual aching arm, which wasn’t as bad as the previous two shots.

It caught me by surprise, considering I was expecting the worst. Everyone I knew who got their booster beforehand told me it was the one that ended up knocking them on their asses.

i had my booster this week (3rd biontech). got aching limbs and a slight fever. also for 2 days it felt like i have tennis balls stuck in my arm pits. :rofl: never had such swellings before.

here is a nice video about how the mrna vaccines work:

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good one… lol

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Just got my booster shot 3 days ago (moderna). A little soreness in the arm but nothing else.

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Got my Moderna booster yesterday… arm soreness but that’s it.

no problems here, but seriously injured people probably have bigger problems than posting on a blender forum lol … what did you expect to find out op ?

I got a Pfizer booster yesterday. I had Moderna before (see earlier).
Woke up late night fever 101. Chills and sweats. Took 2 painkillers, still not able to sleep. Tired and fatigued today. Slightly nauseous and lack of appetite. Don’t feel well. Probably go to bed even earlier tonight, if I can stay up til dark.

Yeah, I know a couple of people who got the grud from their shots. The good news is that it usually goes away within 24-36 hours.

Slept straight through. Now woke up fatigued still. It just got dark so my sleep cycle is completely shot. The fever is gone but my temperature is still wonky, like one of my feet is cold and the other is normal and my head is slightly hot. The Pfizer seems to do more to my stomach; not sure if it is what I ate but my stomach is cramping and I have no appetite (for full disclosure what i ate had some old black beans that were cooked and some refrigerated garlic where some was showing mold). And I saw someone on YouTube who had a loose bowel movement. I also have to be careful not to catch a cold, but that could just be in my head because it feels like I’m coming down with something from the vaccine. I thought I might be getting a sore throat and am clammy. The sensations are enhanced like when you have a cold (maybe thats just a highented immune system) like eyes being sensitive to bright light, smell, and feelings in the mouth like bad sicky mouth feeling. Again just vey tired but going to be hard to sleep (or maybe not). Got my shot 19.5 hours ago.

I recommend having things like juice and chicken broth on hand, as well as a few glasses of water, in case you don’t feel like solid food and are thirsty and want to get some sugars or nutrients. I’m at 3 blankets; I started with four and then went to two, but I left the window open the whole time I was sleeping, which I probably would have wanted it closed as it got dark and colder. Kinda groggy in the head and irritable. My crazy roommate also came in and smoked out the room which didn’t help. You can only spend so long in bed without sleeping so I’m going to sit up. Said roomie getting boosted tomorrow and poopooing my advices. Kinda hoping he gets punished for it out of spite, but that’s kinda evil. Was able to shower today and change out of clothes damp from sweat. Prior to that Got out for very small walk and laid on grass to enjoy fresh air and sun.

My eyes are a little crusty but could be from sleeping so much and my eyes sometimes bother me anyhow.

God, I can’t believe I can sleep this much. I’ve lost all sense of time. I woke up thinking it was about 11:45 and it is actually 9:45, have no idea what day it is. Drinking water and lemonade; still not much appetite. My body feels like it has been run through a giant washer and dryer for five hours. Arm is sore. My head is foggy and I can recall eating cereal and bread with spread last night. Can’t really remember when I fell asleep, whether it was like midnight. No bowel movement for a while, not sure if my digestion has slowed down. My eyes are definitely bothering me, not sure if it is from sleeping so much. No energy to move much and no incentive for food. No sex drive. Strangely enough my sex drive was off the chart yesterday. Thinking maybe my body thought it was dying and it was my last chance to reproduce. My whole body is achy and it is hard to focus. I still have a cramp in the pit of my stomach. I’m also quite bored and a little bit despondent. My throat is not bothering me; don’t think I’m coming down with cold. Going to wash my face see if that helps my crusty eyes and blow my nose, fill up my lemonade and water. Temperature is normal, chilly out. Don’t feel like changing my comfy clothes or showering.

Making myself eat like 1.5 apple and plain bread with peanut butter. Not like nauseous just don’t have desire to eat. Keep forgetting to wash my face, kind of scatter brained.

Got jabbed with a Pfizer booster today, a few hours afterward no noticeable side-effects so I’m also hoping mixing vaccines (x2 Astrazeneca shots, last year) are as safe as those plethora of federal gov approved ‘health experts’ in my region seem too think…

3x Biontech, zero side effects.

I had the Astra-Zeneca vaccine. After the first shot no side effects except the sore arm, worse than just the effects of a needle going in but still no big deal. After the second I had the same sore arm, plus I was excessively tired for a couple of days afterwards. Nothing more. Booster shot next week, I’ll pop back and report.

Zero sideffects. 3x Biontech & 1x Moderna =4x vaxxed.

I wasn’t as lucky.

Got my first Pfizer last July, and side effects persisted until well into December. I am a super healthy guy, never sick, never even got any flue or other health issues. I exercise, walk, run, do indoor free climbing, and more.

First day after the shot a painful arm and expected “warm feeling”. The second and third day a plethora of side effects that lasted for months started to manifest themselves in my body.

I lost my sense for pain on my arms and legs, and it lasted a month or three for my right arm and leg. I could feel pressure and heat was still painful, but sticking a needle in my skin or pinching wouldn’t excite a pain response - just a numb response or nothing at all. In the second week my arms and legs started to feel tingly and this would at times extend into the right side of my face. Nerves would randomly fire and cause tiny pricks of pain in arms, legs, and sometimes the right face’s skin.

My heart rate increased from 60 beats per minute to 80/90 beats for a couple of months. This was exhausting. Heart would skip beats (palpitations) every hour, as if it would stop any minute. This too lasted for months. Sleeping was hell, because I’d experience these extrasystoles continuously, and I’d wake up in a sweat.

The month following the vaccination I slept most of the time. I would wake up, have breakfast, and more or less collapse from exhaustion. But for some internet browsing I couldn’t work on anything. Every morning I woke up with a debilitating headache/migraine (this lasted for a month), and an incapacitating dizziness accompanied my exhaustion all day long. I was unable to focus on anything for months. The dizziness / brain fog is mostly gone now, but I still experience it from time to time - even after 8 months.

In the past I have had mild tinnitus in my ears caused by a sound incident. It had gone away, but it returned with a vengeance two days after my shot, and while it diminished after a few months (November) I still do wake up often with tinnitus in the morning. It is slowly improving, however.

Pressure on my chest accompanied all of this for 5-6 weeks. I went to see a GP, but his only response was that he couldn’t do anything for me. “Once it’s in your system, and you have an adverse long-term effect, we can’t treat it”.

In the first month and second month there were times my body felt so weak and exhausted, I felt like dying. At some point I actually did not care anymore. My wife saw me wither away.

Luckily after two months the worst adverse effects started to weaken, and after three months I felt okayish. I had to get back to work, and it was quite hard at times to make it through the day.

Most adverse effects had cleared up around December.

As you can imagine, I haven’t taken a second shot. I know I am allergic to one of the Moderna ingredients, and it seems Pfizer caused a long-term adverse response. I discussed the situation with a number of GPs and doctors, did full checkups, blood work, heart checked, and nothing could be found in my blood. I am, for my age, an exceptionally healthy person (the words of one GP).

I have had Covid a month ago and it resulted in a slimy throat for a week. That’s it.

One GP suggested to me that I could possibly do the second shot of Pfizer and take anti-histamines for two weeks before the shot, and three weeks after. But still, they would not take responsibility if things would go awry - it couldn’t be guaranteed.

Sure, but at what point does the cure become worse than the disease itself, I wonder? So no, I decided against having a second shot under those circumstances and risking real damage. Besides, together with having already been through Covid now, my immune system seems to be in great shape. In the past two months I feel like my old self again, so I see no valid reason to risk another round of adverse effects at this point.

Anyway, my experience is not meant to scare people away from Covid-19 vaccinations. As a matter of fact, I would have loved to take the second shot, because it’s really limited my freedom with all the restrictions.

It seems my case is an exception - I am part of that 0.3% or less of the population that have experienced severe adverse effects.

Just unlucky, I suppose. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


According to Robert Malone (founder of the mRNA vaccine) young and healthy people should not take the vaccine, it’s meant for older people and risk groups.

My grandpa took the vaccine (3 doses) and he is fine, no side effects. I myself did not take the vaccine as I thought I am too young for that, I stick to a healthy lifestyle instead with vitamin supplements (C, D and Zinc), and I have been super healthy this whole time :stuck_out_tongue:

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As I have said before, and been castigated for doing so, these are not vaccines in the legal sense of the term, nor its original meaning. (The CDC simply changed their meaning without telling you, intending to deceive you.) These potions are actually a gene therapy which literally “re-programs” your cells to produce a certain protein – which is, itself, a pathogen. We now know that this re-programming can affect your DNA, as well, through a process known as “reverse transcription.”

The true meaning of the term, “vaccine,” is a reference to a killed or attenuated fragment of actual viral material, which will “teach” your immune system about a pathogen without causing disease. It does not cause any of your cells to behave differently, but it causes the necessary immune response to be learned as though some of them were infected. None of your own cells are attacked or killed.

These gene therapies – never before used in humans – can result in what is called an “autoimmune disorder,” in which your body begins attacking and destroying itself. But it seems to matter very much what your body decides to do. There are some people for whom it doesn’t seem to have a harmful effect … although they still get COVID … while for others the consequences have been disastrous permanent injury or sudden death. And if you are injured in this way, there’s really nothing that can be done to reverse it.

I believe that these companies are about to discover the hard way that they don’t have “legal immunity” and they will be buried in lawsuits which will eat up every dollar of their present “winnings” and then some. They very clearly violated §13 USC, the “FTC Act,” and the legal pencils are being sharpened. This will in time be far bigger than what happened to “Big Tobacco.”

Oddly enough, mRNA technology might have a legitimate future medical use. They are being actively explored as a targeted – indeed, custom-built – treatment for certain forms of cancer. One strategy is to cause the body to recognize and target the cancer, by defeating the mechanisms that the cancer cells use to prevent this from happening, or by causing specifically those cells to do something else which does trigger an immune response. Another is to literally attempt to alter the DNA of the cancer cells themselves. Therapy would begin by extracting and gene-sequencing the target cancer cells themselves. Very promising ideas, but still years away.

It’s a vaccine, both in name and function. It’s doing exactly what standard vaccines do. The only difference is that instead of using a neutralized strain of a particular virus to build immunity, they’re artificially creating a dummy virus with specific features for your immune system to respond to.

It is not gene therapy. It’s simply a more high concept take on an old idea.

And yes, they have been used in human trials previously. Roughly half a million people over a 15 year period have gotten some variation of an mRNA vaccine before the pandemic.