What's in your username?

Mine comes from a booker winner book titled - “The God of Small Things”
I was kiddish then

Forevernoob - To me a noob is a learner and well forever speaks for itself, so I will always want to learn, because, if you aren’t learning you’re dead. And there is plenty to learn with our beloved Blender so I should live forever.

My nick means “stuff” in German, though, that’s a coincident. It’s actually just my forename inversed.
And the number is random and works everywhere^^ Sometimes, you’ll find that number being inversed, 2301 rather than 1032. Doesn’t quite matter…

Boring, I know^^ Some of you have really nice reasons!

I don’t post here too often, but I’m an enthusiastic lurker. Alterscape = alternate + landscape, as in “the creation thereof through visual effects.” I made it up in my late teens when I was getting into film/video, and I’ve been using it forever online. It’s also the name of my website. It turns out there was a guy making video game models who’d used it first, but I didn’t know about him when I started using it.


Mine means “leaf” in japanese.

I am very unoriginal…

@MentalKhandr: That’s terrible… seriously. I think tattoos on women are disgusting, and I don’t even like them on men. Actually the name has to do with my religious beliefs (of which discussing are off-limits on this forum, and no, I’m not some wacky incense burning guru… it’s a symbol for something else).

@Forevernoob: Ha ha… somehow I always think of a noob as a bad thing… :smiley:

One of the staff at the transitional program I’m a student of has a tattoo on her arm, though I can’t say it’s disgusting as she’s the one who drives me to the new humane society building so I can volunteer there.

Also my grandmother may almost look like she has a tattoo on her arm, but it’s actually a bruise that somehow looks like one.:spin:

…lol - sometimes bruises do appear as tattoos. Good post.

Well that is true. Also it looks like right now I can’t put empty lines in my posts because the page code is busted on my browser or something, my internet found another way to annoy me unless this is happening to others O.o

That’s only my personal feeling… not all people with tattoos are “BAD” people. I just don’t like them on anybody (the idea of using a needle to force ink under the skin… ewwww…)

A lot people also feel pain when they get tattoos, and some have problems with them getting infected as well.

If you wanted people in a lot of pain and some ewww factor as the tattoo process is done then you should check out the way tribal tattoos are applied, the tribes that do that do not have modern technology and use the ancient way of applying it.

NOTE: If you are squeamish or gross out easily, do not search for videos of this.

An example of this could be the “moko” of maori of New Zealand (Aoeteroa) and the same methodolgy is applied to the Samoans (of Samoa).

I have also seen first hand the scars of some African people on the faces, and know of the basic techniques as to the method of this.

I must explain that I am not against these practices, as long as the person who has the scars/tattoos did it with their own free will, and may lead to a better change.

Thank You!

Hmm… Nifft was grabbed from a book title authored by michael shea. It was just sitting there and i needed a rpg game name once. I use short version on some forums. full came from “Nifft the lean”.

PS. I will stick with my scars gained through life experience. don’t need any preplanned ones though not opposed to others getting them.

My name is the names of the 2 cats I’ve had, concantenated. Klaatu was my buddy from 1982 until 2000, and I got Teela in 2003. She’s in the photo. I don’t have any digital pics of Klaatu, unfortunately.


… because of littlenemo (a band and the pixar movie), and the first matrix : networks + this travelling that exactly looks like the job I used to have (network engineer then consultant).
but I ran far away from that :slight_smile:


iRowebot comes from a combination of my first initial, last name, and bot be cause i like robots. My avatar is my mascot i made in class, and him plus the R make up the iR of my logo.

I got mine off a Star Wars Battlefront clan’s name…The AlphaRed Clan [AR]. I adopted it as my username and use it pretty much everywhere. Its also interesting that when you think of the first letter of the greek alphabet (alpha) and also the first colour in RGB. Firsts are cool ;).

My user name here is Minifig, although on other sites it is Minifig3D. Minifig is short for LEGO Minifigure. I love LEGO and their products. 3D is my other passion, but since this is a 3D forum I figured that I didn’t need to include 3D in my name. :wink:

Mine is just my name backwards … I know, not very clever (although it is cool that when people address me, it sounds as if they consider me their “superior, a person of importance or in a position of authority or the nobility in general” :D).