What's in your username?

So so many usernames are just clumps of words and uncreativity. You hardly see someone who’s username is their name like ‘John Smith’ or whatever. Why?

because the name John Smith is boring in real life … even more so in the land of the interwebs!

Mine stretches from -95. The quake online gaming era. You just had to have a cool name. First it was BigA but it sounded like big-gay. Changed it to Big Al but then a stupid t-rex on tv was called that. Then naturally Bigbad was next but that sounds like Bagdad because the war in Iraq. So I blame Bush Jr for people getting my nick wrong.

Oh dear, I’m afraid I’m not at all as complicated as that:

Mine is Anubis - the egyptian god of the dead, before political shifts changed his position to that of the god of the afterlife that weighs the human heart (soul) against the feather of ma’at (justice), he was also the god of embalming and of the burial of the king. The reasons for my choice in ancient egyptian deity are rather complex and sprouts from the way I view death and the fact that I felt a deep spiritual connection with the imagery. Besides that I also thought the jackal looks kinda kewl.:smiley: I still wanna model him one day, when I get the time. The ZA is simply the international code for my country of residence.

back when msn had chatrooms and all, I needed an alias I couldn’t think of one so I used a random name generator. It spat out tyrant cockroach, I hate roaches so I swaped the last part with the chinese zodiac sign I was born under, the year of the monkey.