
This low life has no thought as to the innocent people that will be hurt because he puts his self on a pedestal.
Someone will put a bullet between his eyes and he should expect nothing less. No wonder he’s slimming under a rock now.

What pedestal and who are you to decide who lives or dies TRock ? And whats this rock you referring to ? Besides you only betray yourself in the end. It wasn’t you TRock was it ? Something that you sewed from the past ?

No one but yourself, am I right ?

Bao2, your attitude regarding 9/11 is despicable. I had family who died in that attack.

As for my “allied” soldiers comment- it wasn’t meant to disparage those fighting alongside my country’s forces. It’s just that there’s less of them and I’m more connected to the American military than to foreign militaries.

And, p.s., I’m just a common-sense type of guy. I may skew conservative on some issues, but I “avidly watch” Fox News only for the (unintentional) comedy.

I like how Ron Paul put it “How can you have a war on a tactic?”

War on Terror? You mean the one the US has constructed themselves? Creating the setting, at which people were pissed off enough to lash out in desperation against the US. The warnings for 9/11 were given, and ignored. The day the events happend, could have been prevented if Cheney had not interfered with the air response. It was basicly paralysed.
Air crafts were moved to different bases. Hours before the event, multiple drills were conducted all with plane hijacking(including remote controlled planes), setting multiple false radar signals. Jets weren’t even scrambled? Isn’t it standard procedure in a hijacking, that the jets are scrambled and on the tails without needing approval?
Or did you mean the War of Terror? You know, the one the US is conducting? On false premisis, and one that was in planning for a long time. 9/11 was the excuse, and they needed to lie to get you to rally behind Bush and go attack a country which didn’t have Al Qaida present. Since the war, Bin Laden couldn’t have found a better place to get new recruits. I wonder if you can guess why.

Wikileaks is needed, to seperate the bullshit the public has been spoonfed, with the actual hard core facts governments would like to keep secret permanently.

Now perhaps but back then the party line was to cooperate with hijackers.

You know, “do what we want and no one gets hurt” and not “do what we want and a few thousand people die” kind of stuff.

Nice to know all these ‘critical thinkers’ aren’t trying to rewrite history to prove their point though…

I figure it out, the library of congress is just that a library, but this is no ordinary library its a library that influence everything about you, Your mood, your sexuality, your health, the rules. But there is a danger to this, its the idea that you need “food” enable to obtain these knowledge but it acts more like a drug, the world is literally imprison in its own library or dream as one might call it. The country didn’t want the library to fail which led to 9-11, it appears that the world is trying to buy its way out of the library which explains why the economy is so important. When we have no left to go we switch to democracy so we can move back to the center. The only person I know that will keep such knowledge is the pope. You have the light, the dark, the hot and the cold. It is to my understanding that the highest office in the land is really a library. This explains the “mania” that I went through. And may explain why theres so many religion in the world. There are so many threads and walls that build over time, it becomes a struggle to get back to “Reality” The so called knowledge that we seek are the very thing that enslave us. As long as you remain a part of this library you don’t truly have a choice. Which begs to question, who wants to live in a library ? Its no wonder I hated school.

You need to read what I said and not assume more out of it. To many conspiracy theorists stir up more out of nothing.
Yea, we all know the lies and secrets in the religious and political circles, but. My only point was this guy has stirred up a lot of people that can cause innocent people to get hurt. There was absolutely nothing to gain from the spreading of haphazard pieces of information stole by a traitor that should face the maximum penalty.

The End. (No machine guns Needed)

Law can not be follow absolutely, I don’t see any purpose of enforcing laws either. Even if you are the power that be you still have no right in judging. And this information I assume has to do with the fraud that we call the universe ? And when are you planning to let him go, when you feel sorry ? I already been through my pain and suffering through life and I’ll be damn to let anyone else be put through the same suffering and pain that I went through. You have no idea what is like to have hope ripped away from you. And who are you to demand loyalty ?

Truth hurts, and secrets hurt no less.

But, since we’re pretending like we care about the “innocent”, let’s not forget all the innocent people who died in the Iraq war (both Iraqi and American), for what was essentially a lie - a mission to neutralize non-existent wmd’s.

So, to put it on the scale: Your hypothetical victims, compared to thousands of actual victims …

This is a topic that I have been following all week long. Honestly, I think that many people were right here, the amount of press coverage that WikiLeaks is having is actually advertising it to the general public! I found out about it from a news site; The first thing I did was check out the website for myself! The other thing is, many news sites cry out how horrible WikiLeaks is, then they quote from it and post articles about what they uncovered! It’s like nobody wants to claim to support them, yet everybody wants to use the information that they released.


so you say you are close to the military and Wiki Leaks is dangerous because it puts US soldiers at risk.

What do you think about the war crimes Wiki leaks already uncovered the Pentagon did not want anybody
to know or the fact that the US gov does not accept the Den Haar court because it would be sued in
multiple cases for human rights and war crimes?

What is more evil a platform uncovering the truth or a so called world police making the world unsafe because
of their imperialistic attitude and agressions. And then people ask them-self why the world hates the US.

Lets be real here.

This Wiki leaks is dangerous and putting people at risk is a media joke.

If America is for moral and order as so many state maybe going against the gov and army might be a smart idea.
Nothing else is like buying into a silly propaganda continuing calling the US the only free country and at the same
time accepting the patriot act.

There are not just enemies - there are enemies made.


most media outlets you can sadly just ignore. German press, British press, CNN or Fox News, at the end they do not do good journalism.

If I remember Winston Churchill correctly: the first casualty of war is often the truth. “A lie has run around the world before the truth got its boots on.”

Well, there is a proven way to avoid wars and conflicts, it simply starts with “don’t lie to each other” … of course it’s very difficult to start telling the truth when you’re used to lies everywhere.

I guess someone figure out how to link people together and play them like instruments.

Damn, dude, you’re loving this since your totally random posts almost make sense in the context of this thread.

All we need now is a blender screenshot of a bunch of circles and a rant about ancient Mayans being behind the burning of the Great Library at Alexander and you’re golden.

It is a soldiers job to put his life in harms way for the people and they swore an oath to protect the people and the constitution - at least I had to.
The problem is though that you also swear your loyality to the goverment and there the predicament starts.
What do you do if what the gouverment says is against the people and constitution? Revolution?
Revolutions happen daily, but usually are called “attempted coup” once the original goverment beat down the revolution.
One thing history has tought us, is that the winner writes the history and makes his own truth which he deems absolute.
If weeding out the rotten elemtents from a gouverment by revealing the truth means that soldiers die - it is their duty to do so and I don´t want to know how many gouverments regularily circumvent their own constitution, lie and betray and kick human rights out of the way and justify it with “the greater good”
Is a “greater good” that is founded on shit and not on soil worth fighting for?

It amazes me how goverments still bring the shocking news that 5 <big industrial nation> soldiers died in an attack… So? And the 200 those 5 killed due to technical superiority? If you send people into a war you can´t be surprised that people die.
I got friends in the Legion (Foreign Legion) they fight alongside various countries, they are used as weapons, and you never hear if some of those are killed - they fight on the good side too, tough it seems they are not worth as much as 1 US soldier.

So please, if a soldier is killed it is where his duty ends - sad for the family and his beloved, but he chose to kill others and to be killed. It comes with the job requirements.

So now we got Wikileaks, about to make a huge piles of shit, stick nations flags in it and put the spotlight on it and I am sure those leaked information, as outrageous they might be are only the tip of the iceberg and that the people would riot with pitchforks and torches if they knew it all.

I guess now politicians and gouverments realize how few they know and how few control they really got over the internet. Don´t forget that most politicians are relics from another era and don´t have a understanding for the world wide web and its twisted ways.
Now they panic and do stupid things, blame everyone and everything, and try to make an opinion for the people in order to cover up their dark secrets somehow and deadend trails that might lead to more dirt.
If soldiers die along this path, it is their duty to the people to do so.
I don´t trust a gouverment, that uses soldiers in wars around the world and at home they are “poor soldier will die because of revealed secrets”, “poor soldier died in the war”

Long story short:
Soldiers die.

I especially liked his lecture about human corruption, call me crazy but when Al Capone talks about corruption I have to laugh.

I know soldiers die, it just seems wrong that they’re dying as a result of underhanded actions committed by the people they’re trying to defend.

Apparently PlantPerson is giving us an opening to talk about the whole issue here regarding WikiLeaks and the military, so I’ll say my 2 cents.

Cekuhnen: Are you in any way suggesting that in the case of the last ten years, Afghanistan and Iraq would be better off under their old regimes?

Consider this in Afghanistan, the Taliban banned nearly everything from most types of sporting events to toys (in other words nearly banning people from playing and having fun), the papers mentioned Afghan families unearthing their old toys after they were removed from power, all the violence going on now is a struggle to prevent them from retaking the country, war is ugly, but consider if we decided that we lost and pull out.

Consider in Iraq, we keep hearing how they didn’t have WMD’s, they could’ve easily destroyed them or moved them to other countries in a heartbeat, if they didn’t have WMD’s then what did Saddam use to gas a large number of Kurds around a decade before?