(WIP 6 ) .. more or less like Final Fantasy

now i know the problem… every character (cube) touch the poly edge of plane, character will jumping… why? anybody can help me? (i disable the autojump/edgejump)

nope, not using dynamic cloth, only animate it :wink:

What physics bound are you using?

nope… Dynamic the physic

What physics bound are you using? (sphere cube cylinder triangle mesh?)

for the ground, and the actor?

for the ground use Actor, fot the character box use Box Collision bound

that the setting

Ok, so one thing about triangle mesh , it can pop you in the air a bit, when you cross face boundries, also with all actors,
if you go up a ramp, you have some +Z velocity

using a ray or collision sensor to tell when you are on the ground and not jumping,
and doing

that said, you can have your actor ‘Core’ be a sphere, cube, cone etc and mark it compound
and have ‘child shapes’ that are cube, sphere, cone, cylinder etc, that parent to the core shape,

this way you can get a really nice physics shape for the actor,
also, later, you can unparent->move->reparent and get physics in all sorts of things.
(this is how the guns have collision in wrectified that affects the actor etc)

uh… i dont understand … sorry

Dia bilang, "kalau menyentuh ujung suatu mesh segitiga, pasti yang menyentuhnya dapat +Z, atau ke atas.

pakai Ray atau Collision sensor untuk memberitahu karakter kalau dia sedang berdiri atau melompat
dan gunakan

Namun, kamu bisa coba menggunakan ‘Core’ di karakter mu dalam bentuk bola, kubus, kerucut dll dan bikin itu tergabung dengan karakter
dan berikan ‘bentuk anakan’ untuk si karakter dalam bentuk bola, kubus, kerucut dll dan bikin diorangtuakan dengan ‘Core’"

yang gak ngerti itu “dan lakukan own.localLinearVelocity.z*=.5” apa maksudnya? nge script? dimana?


some trees :slight_smile:

own.localLinearVelocity.z*=.5 = menarik sedikit pemain keatas. Guna nya mencegah pemain untuk jatuh dari terrain, atau ber-collision aneh :slight_smile:

coba deh apply script ini untuk tulang pemain, dengan actuator Always dengan TRUE Level Triggering:

import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner

own.localLinearVelocity = [ 0.0, 0.0, own.localLinearVelocity.z*.5]

who do not understand it " and do own.localLinearVelocity.z * = . 5 " what does that mean ? nge script ? Where?

import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
GroundRay = cont.sensors['Ray']

if GroundRay.positive and own['Jump']==0:

note this has a property ‘Jump’ which is set by your jump animation control system to something other then zero when jumping.

If you need some more assets like trees and bushes you can get them from my asset package (DL in description):

I think the cherry blossom would go very well with your game and its optimized so it should run well.

i tried that, but still not active

i’m using Ray sensor in character and connected to Script but, still not affected

I’m not an expert using a script (rather, i can’t)

I had to download it, I’m very grateful but sorry I can not use it, his style is different with my game

@ agiler147 I think that the problem comes either from the collision bound itself or from the xray sensor value being too low/high, if it’s possible try to upload only a blend.file with the character+collision box and a plain terrain ,this way it would be easier for people to experiment and find out whats the issue with the bouncy collision.

Anyway project looks pretty nice

i have any blend file(little jumped too) , i’ll upload the blend file (not this project) , but i use same controller [Bad English] …
okay, to the point https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2xByUaKcNi4S1pBa2FwUG93SVk/view

thanks :smiley:

make it only play the jump/fall animation/state if the -z speed is greater than a certain threshold using the ground as only a secondary check…