(WIP 6 ) .. more or less like Final Fantasy

i’ll make screenshot later, Now I’m editing the animation first,

for the FPS before use UpBGE not so far with use UpBge, but if using UpBGE the FPS more Stable, and when i press “P” to play, the delay to play game not so long, more faster, and grpahic more beautiful :eyebrowlift:

“IK” make FPS Lower? … wow, i dont know that… the video capture make my FPS lower :spin:

Try Bandicam. Yes IK can make things slow. Use ik to animate and then key the fk bones.

what you mean? sorry, idont understand… “use IK to animate and the key the fk bone” ??

i’ll try bandicam

i have a problem about UpBGE… that won’t open up…

I think he means bake the ik animation.

Before using bandicam etc. try find a recording software for your gpu. GPU recording is a lot faster.
Bandicam or camtasia will use your cpu which will result in more lag while recording.

okay… thanks

Should I finish all the animation first before i bake the animation?

Yes you should. Also make a copy of the finished blend file before baking. So bake or delete the ik bones only use fk when finished with the animation. But of course that is for the last stage of the animation.
“i have a problem about UpBGE… that won’t open up…”
Delete the folder and extract a new upbge. That should do it.

okay… thanks… but the UpBGE still not working :v



Better Animation, some rock & Water :yes:

anyone can help me? i go the problem about “character cube”… that always jumping if i walk… (look the video) … why? any idea?

Hm no idea:/ maybe just a problem with the collision box of your character cube? Check if the collision box clips into the ground when you start the game maybe thats it^^’ hope you will find a solution, your game looks great :smiley:

WOW! This looks so good!
The animations is super good. Do you have dynamic cloth or is it animated?
The water looks awesome as well, keep ít up! :slight_smile:

Did you mistakenly add some keys to the cube?

Hello, is this an open world Game?

nope… the cube not clipped into the ground :frowning:

some key? … i dont use any logic to the cube about the key

i think… YES :yes:

Did you try applying scale or changing the collision bound of the character? Also what physics type are you using?