WIP- A cold journey

My plan is to remix the 2.83 splash screen with the latest glacier one. I want to keep Ians boat since its beauty cannot be beaten , but i want to fully recreate the glaciers myself using geo nodes so it fits with the idea.
To add further elements im going to put a photoscanned person on top of the boat eating the famous Blender donut , some ship pieces around the glaciers and possibly a camp site on the glaciers for more of a mysterious vibe .


I’m trying to follow everybody with WiPs in the challenge over on Sketchfab, and I can’t find you there – link please?

DDinqja - Sketchfab thank you

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Cool good luck !

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Got the base done just fine tuning and adding things here and there.

Made the texture for the icy mountain in Quixel Mixer and trying to give the rendered shot the same look as Ian Huberts splash using the compositor , heres a low res render:


Heres a higher quality render

and a few more details on the work :
The glaciers were made using a heat map and the geometry node system which made the procedural side way look more authentic. I did some manual editing after just to get some more details right.

To make the sea I tried using the ocean modifier for the first time and i got a pretty good result . To get it to look more “sea-like” and mix some other elements of the environment I also played with the material a bit

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Hey! As we’re entering the final days of the challenge, I’d like to give you some helpful tips to make sure you can successfully complete your entry. Please see my new post on the FAQ topic.

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Added another person at the top of the boat and worked on some other details.
Heres the finished product ,also posted on sketchfab.

Hey! Just a quick reminder that there’s now less than 12 ours remaining to wrap up your challenge entry - submissions close at 2022-09-15T21:59:00Z, GMT+1 (click on the link for some international times).

If you haven’t done so already, please review this post which contains some essential information for preparing your submission.

At the very least, upload your work to Sketchfab as soon as possible and add the #bcon22challenge tag.

It’s also a good idea to add a link to your WIP topic in the description of your Sketchfab model so we can easily find it.

I’ll also keep a close eye on the FAQ topic today, so if you have any issues or questions please post it there as soon as possible.

Good luck!

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Couldnt change the title and the thumbnail , but this project is completed .
Heres the sketchfab link