[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Fellows, here is a little guide from me, to get a perfect sphere ready to use in bool operations:
Doubleclick it to see in Fullresolution!


Fellows, here is a little guide from me, to get a perfect sphere ready to use in bool operations:
Doubleclick it to see in Fullresolution!

Thanks for the tip Tungee! I would never imagine that there is such a way to achieve a consistently shaped sphere. I always used the well known cube>subdivision modifier method. : - )

I used the cube+subdivision tech until yesterday, when i had the idea to use the “to sphere” operator in edit mode to get he perfect roundness. But that was destructive. So i remembered the Cast modifer in Sphere mode. The factor value 1 gives the perfect roundness and its still non destructive :wink:

New incoming beast…

Tungee you can work in toy industry! You can produce very nice sf cartoon characters, machines and vehicles! : - )

Now, I do have a feature request: a pipe maker (it can be put as a further button under the ‘bevel’ button)! It is a command which produces a pipe on the cut shape… so that afterwards the user may make a boolean operation with it (and then he may use ‘bevel after boolean’ of course).

In fact it is something already existent in the add-on (it produces pipes on the cut shapes for making the bevelling)… but why not harnessing this function of it in such a way too?

As you see in the image below someone can do many things with such a feature (here it is made manually, of course)… he may produce very nice pipe carvings (or slices) on an object. It is something that is not easy to achieve with other means.

Let take the suggested procedure step by step:

  1. We do make a boolean operation with two objects…
  2. We do click ‘make pipe’… there appears the pipe (with an options tab, for its thickness, mesh density etc)…

And then, we continue with the already existent tools of ‘bevel after boolean’… So simple!

Ilya what do you say? Isn’t it a good idea?

I thought about it. If it is necessary, then I can add this function.

I think that it will be very useful Ilya… it is something that will enrich the add-on quite significantly! Besides, why not add such a function, given that it already does, in fact, a very important portion of it…

I tried it with the ‘union’ and ‘slice’ too and gives very nice results. It will be an important enhancement of the tool, without doubt!

Not necessary but definitely a productivity enhancer :slight_smile:

You know, I actually wrote a script to add meshes like that. I called them cube-spheres (hexa-spheres might have been misleading). I’ll look around if I still have the code.

Thank you Fatesailor :wink:
I second the suggestion of fatesailor.

I have a question Ilya for an extreme example, but it is needed somehow.

On "sharp"parts on the booleans like on my example provided the resulting bevel is too to narrow on some parts of the model:

Is there is a way to achieve a uniform bevel width?? Custom bevel helps NOT in this case .

To be honest,
i tried this in moi 3d and there it fails completely :wink:

Here is the blend file of this situaation:

SHARPBEVEL.blend.zip (330 KB)

:slight_smile: you avoid this… it needs different cut (location/angle) to get the minimal edge thickness/sharpness/dullness, only then you’re able to bevel properly… it’s a common production (machine milling) problem :wink:

I’m not sure, but most likely there is not enough thickness.
And to do this in Moi, you probably need to make a Variable Fillet.

I started doing ‘make Pipe’, but today the atmospheric pressure is naughty, so the head does not work very well. You’ll have to wait a bit.

A small update.
Correction of normals is not over yet.
‘make Pipe’ - completed. It is possible to change the profile.


boolean_bevel_v_0_0_9.py.zip (8.47 KB)

This is very good news! : - )

Btw, I want to share a tip too: whenever you work with slice (for making hull surfaces) you can delete the parts that remain inside the objects and unify the remaining-outer parts by bridging them. So, you may have much lighter -as to their polygon amounts- unified objects, without loosing any quality regarding their outer appearance. It is something very easy to do:

@tungee, can I ask your opinion of Moi3d? I’ve been thinking about it for some time but other than sparse info on their site I’m not sure if it’s worth it.

EDIT - I read back a few pages and got your answer:)

Experimenting with the new pipes feature! In some cases is giving great results while in some other cases has problems. It needs more experimentation! : - )

What do you mean exactly with bridging here, Fatesailor?

@comeinand Moi 3D is a nice app, but i like to have it all in Blender… Moi 3d has some tighter bevels, but BaB is more intuitive in combination with blender in my opinion.

Nice Tip tungee, thank you.

But you can also take this Plugin (has a few good additions)

The Plugin is also in this Packets

Thank you Dito, i now the addon.

But the thing here for me is, to stay non destructive how long i can.