[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Sorry. I do not know yet what caused this error. In the coming days, I’ll try to post an update. I hope this will help you to fix it.

I’ve used the Bool Tools all the time.
Does the plugin not work with it?

Edit: It works with the normal Boolean Modifier (Flat and Smooth).

I also use BoolTool (BoolTool uses the standard Boolean). On your file, everything worked correctly for me.

This is strange.

I will try the next days with a fresh build.

Thanks for this fantastic plugin!

Thanks Ilya… will wait for the update! : - )

cleverly done :wink: good thing to have in the toolbox!

Thanks for sharing

Ilya here there is a question too: can we find some way of making bevel after boolean operations when two bevel seams intersect too (as in the case of the selected cylinder with the sphere like object in the image below)? If we find such a way would be great. I do not know from programming at all but thought to ask about it. I tried it many times with the your present add-on but in vain. If there is a way to achieve such a thing we will be very near to have a Mesh fusion inside Blender, indeed.


If you’re talking about this:

Then it’s enough to apply the Bevel modifier.

Very promising results keep up with the good work.

Ilya is this result achieved by the use of your ‘bevel after boolean’? Because the seams in the image are not the kind of the seams your plugin produces. How did you achieve such seams? In what succession you used Blender’s modifiers?

This is an old screenshot. I added CorrectiveSmooth to check reflections.

For all the people, who get crashes or the plugin doesnt work:

Activate the Looptools addon!!!

Thank you very much Ilya, this is a super addition for the Blender toolset!

Corrective smooth… it is a modifier that I have never used. I have to search for related tutorials in the Web. : - )))

Tungee… what exactly you mean by ‘activating the loop tools add-on’? I have it activated in ‘preferences’ and its tab is there, in the tool shelf of ‘edit’ mode, but it has many options too… what has to be done? We have to use one of them? If it is so which one of them and when? In which step of the whole procedure of 'bevel after boolean’s use?

Being precise:

  1. I do upload a cube
  2. Subdivide it
  3. Bevel its corners
  4. Duplicate it and make a boolean operation between the two of them
  5. Activate the ‘bevel after boolean’ plugin… and there, appears the bevel

Then… when I go to touch the plugin’s options the plugin crashes…

So, in which point of this succession of actions I have to activate the loop tools plugin, so that the options of ‘bevel after boolean’ stay firm and work?

I got crashes when looptools addon in the mesh section is deactivated.
I think this addon depends partly on Looptools

Does it happen when your change “Relax path” setting? I got a addon crash / blender freakout when trying to change that without looptools enabled.

From what I can see that’s the only thing that uses looptools.

relaxIterations = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Relax path", default=0, min=0, max=500)

if self.relaxIterations > 0:
        for value in range(self.relaxIterations):

I told Rodinkov Ilya how to check if looptools is enabled and have Boolean Bevel automatically enable it if it’s not.

AFWS… first, I do not understand what you mean by the ‘loop tools’ being activated’. The loop tools (the add-on) is there, in the edit mode’s tool bar, activated from the ‘preferences’. And still the crash occurs. Not only when touching one of the options of the ‘bevel after boolean’ tab, but when touching anyone of them.

I do not understand how the ‘loop tools’ add-on interacts with the ‘bevel after boolean’ add-on. Do we have to do something with it too, during the whole process of applying Ilya’s plugin? If you be clear regarding this point I will be able to understand.

ok, I think I see what your talking about. You talking about post #40 where the object goes invisible? You said you using blender 2.78, which version? I’m using 2.78a with no issues. Have you tested on different version of blender? Are you using booltool or just adding modifier?

I tried it in the in 2.78a too but in vain. And I am using bool tool, yes. The bevel appears but any touch on the options panel results in the problem of post #40. It is strange indeed.

Any setting you can add or know why this creates a spider web pattern in certain spots? The only thing I found to kinda fix it is the cut radius ,but if you want it wider, it causes the spider web look.