[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Модель была сделана в moi 3d и была экспортирована как obj(стандартный bevel работает на эджах)
234.obj (257.3 KB)

Test in Edit Mode:


Потестил в новой версии:


Прогресс. А на рендере как?

Если сделать этот аддон в виде модификатора чтобы двигать объекты и бевел в реал тайме подстраивался, то будет местный mesh fusion (предположу что это возможно фантастика )

is it possible to make a bevel like on this low poly object?

blendfile untitled.blend (735.0 KB)

Need support edges:

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Сырая версия для тестов.
Многое может не работать. Многое не доделано.
Это не релиз !!! Выкладываю для тех, кто хочет потестить.

Про неправильный перенос нормалей знаю. Про баги с незамкнутым контуром тоже знаю.

Raw version for tests.
Much may not work. Much has not been completed.
This is not a release !!! Post for those who want to tests.

I know about the incorrect transfer of normals. I also know about open-loop bugs.

bab_v_0_2_7_tests.py (32.4 KB)


It does not install. I tried both through the preferences panel and through manually putting the file in the add-ons folder but in vain.

Try delete the old version.

If you disable all others and do a reboot that"might" work. Try to install the new addon after the reboot. Thanks

I have no installed any old version. I just downloaded the latest 2.8 beta and tried to install it there but in vain.

Yes, the reboot made the work. Now it is ok. Thanks Bkjernisted!

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No problem Fatesailor. Have a nice weekend.

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Кто-нибудь напишет что работает, а что нет ?
А то мне так не понятно, стоит ли доделывать эту версию или искать новый способ.

Someone will write what works and what does not?
Otherwise it’s not so clear to me whether to finish this version or look for a new way.

There are some problems and some things that need explanation, I will put forth them one by one. The first thing that I detected was the refusal of the add-on to operate in the case below. The small object is the exact replica of the bigger one… I duplicated the bigger one, make it small and tried to unify it with the bigger one as in shown in the screenshot below but in vain. What may be going on?

I am attaching the blend file too below for your inspecting it.

Bab problem_a.blend (4.2 MB)

I am enumerating below some other problems and requests:

a. Make everything appear in wireframe mode by default when activating the add-on. It takes time to turn on wireframe mode in heavy scenes. Having things in wireframe mode from the very beginning contributes to know if everything is ok in the meshes without loosing time.

b. The ‘slice’ option is missing.

c. There is a problem in cases of duplicating a boolean active object: it is a appearing as a cube without giving the opportunity to see its shape and to place it properly for another boolean operation. This maybe is not a problem of the add-on (it is maybe a problem of Blender’s boolean tools) but it has to be dealt in some way. I put below a screenshot illustrating the case.

d. There is a need of having a command for selecting loops that are not bordered with the same order of vertices in both sides (as is shown in the second screenshot below). Such a selection command would be very useful for such an add-on as BAB. This is a need of Blender in general, but in the case of working with an add-on as is BAB it becomes very evident.

e. You have to upload a version with the normals issue solved, otherwise is difficult to give efficient feedback as to the final results that the tool produces.

I fixed it.

Last time everyone said the opposite.


This is done by default in booltool. So I decided to do the same.

Add vertex group or selection?

I can fix it now, but then there may be some other problems.

Ilya I do not know what those who said that being in shaded mode is better… simple logic, however, says the contrary: first of all you have to see what is going on in the meshes for proceeding in modeling. :smiley:

As to the duplicated boolean active objects… here too, simple logic says that it is better not to follow what Blender does by default in this case. Someone has to see where the active object is for being able to proceed to some further boolean operation. :smiley:

The need for a ‘non-uniform’ loop kind selection could be done easily by selecting first an edge of it and then clicking for selecting the whole loop (there is such a selection command in Wings 3D and it is very handy). I am speaking for a simple loop selection kind (no any ‘vertex group’ thing).

As to the ‘slice’ and normals issue… they are important for testing, so do something with them also. :smiley:

But anyway, the version is working well. It is bevelling abilities go very well.

And something other too: is there not a way to make the operation that ‘intersect knife’ does from within the object mode (instead of going through the whole process of unifying objects, switching to edit mode, call the ‘intersect knife’ command, then separating the objects etc)? In fact this command should be together with all the other boolean commands in object mode. It should be a simple ‘impress’ command.

Maybe there are easier ways to do such an operation which escapes from my attention (if somebody knows something let share it please) but I thought that it must be mentioned here because it is an important tool as to its use in conjunction with BAB.