WIP:Cyber Generated Artificial Intelligence

what! it isn’t even a working model yet! - all you’de get is a wireframe image! i’ll texturize it then post some images of that but i don’t do rigging and such (don’t know how :expressionless: ) so that would be up to you guys! i can put it in a game engine with a 3rd person camera but i can’t get animation links for the controls and the movement animations…

i ment when you push p then take a screen shot like that.

what is the point though - all you get is a wireframe!

select faces and push the light button in face mode button things, how bout that one? it will show you what its like in game.

or i could go into tex mode then p and see the same thing but you see it isn’t textured so you will only see white on black or grey! :stuck_out_tongue: just wait textures are coming! :wink:

:frowning: ok its a really cool model got any new shots? better then my model :(.

haha nice name dude didnt notice this were our to[ic lol.


here’s a screenshot of it textured just to be able to be seen in game -


here’s the ingame screenshot -


there is a problem (serious!) that when it goes into game mode the meshes are warped and moved - what is causing this? look at the images to see what i mean!

what! :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont see anything wrong? and about my post i have no idea lol . post some more shots maby then i could see.

look at the springs and the motors - those are the most pronounced changes! (springs are grey on the legs - motors are brass at the leg joints)

oh your render is nice too! but make the solar panel thinner and bigger! add some antenaes and some small black d shaped things on the underside at the front as well as a large canister at the back underside - see images on page 1 and 2!


can u send me a .blend in email u got yahoo right? im on msn if u want ill post my email and you send me a .blend then ill try to figure out whats up.

pm me your email and i’ll send it to you - yahoo, are you kidding! :stuck_out_tongue: firefox all the way and when not it’s definetly IE! %| :smiley:

have done dude, so wheres the new screen shots?

hehe prince you should learn too pack data lol.

hhmmm i aint goin to put the texture on it, so if you could pack data maby next time then send ill look and also why do u not make it all in one cause there all seperate that might be your problem dude.

huh ok i replaced all the textures, wanted to see what it looked like and i dont get nufin wrong.
