WIP for make splash in amsterdam contest .splash screen 2.81

im trying to reimagine it considering the flood in pakistan gave me an idea . i just started

i am using the head practice i did yesterday coz no time

and for the past 3 hours ive been modeling the body . here is the progress

I dont know how to rig so ill do that stuff tommorow.Now imma model a boat. its gonna be the replacement for the shop .

the final will be a monkey person saving a drenched monkey on a boat in a similar pose showing him a life saver as the girl shows the nut

this is the wip for the monkey body


Hey! Just a quick reminder that there’s now less than 12 ours remaining to wrap up your challenge entry - submissions close at 2022-09-15T21:59:00Z, GMT+1 (click on the link for some international times).

If you haven’t done so already, please review this post which contains some essential information for preparing your submission.

At the very least, upload your work to Sketchfab as soon as possible and add the #bcon22challenge tag.

It’s also a good idea to add a link to your WIP topic in the description of your Sketchfab model so we can easily find it.

I’ll also keep a close eye on the FAQ topic today, so if you have any issues or questions please post it there as soon as possible.

Good luck!

rigged :frowning: too little timeeeeee

fiddling arround with asset browser

and its coming together

closer still

done . This work was done considering the flood in pakistan. Hope i win something too

uploaded an amended version. wish to be considered