Workflow: Daz3d 4.10 > Blender 2.79 > Mixamo > Blender 2.79 > Blender 2.8

Yes – use this addon: DAZ Importer
Basic workflow is this…

  1. Install the script for Daz|Studio
  2. Install the Blender addon
  3. In D|S, create your character, add clothing, hair, materials, etc. Save the file as a scene.
  4. In the D|S scripts section, click the script then save the file with the same name as your scene file.
  5. In Blender, click the import Daz file button and navigate to your scene file (.DUF, not the .json file)
    Note that you may have to setup file paths to your D|S files. View the Diffeomorphic docs for how to do that.
  6. You can now add poses, morphs, expressions, other clothing items, etc. After that, you can convert the D|S rig to a Blender Rigify rig if you want.