Yet Another Thread about Cycles Materials


well don’t remember that any of these material were using experimental feature!

Yep I agree…

I tried out one of your camoflage materials that was in the testing library of peters online material addon. But I’m having a real strange problem with it… The material was applied to a glove on a character. The characters rig is animated, and the camoflage material is actually changing … like morphing, too different shapes. Think about how camoflage consists of just different shapes of colors (im using your grey camo) … those shapes are actually changing shapes and postion as the glove is animated.

Is there any thing I can change in the settings to stop this from happening? … I may have to use an actual texture instead, I think yours is all procedural. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Really great materials :slight_smile: this might be a silly question but how did you add the mirror factor and get your grouped nodes to connect to the side of the group like that. mine does not have that.


Hi @harleynut97. I have never done animation. But I think it could be a problem with the vector I have used. We can change to use UV coordenates and probably that problem will disappear. Does anyone know how textures work in animation?

Hi @Narcotic. The mirror factor is related to the roughness in a glossy shader. A value of 0.01 will provide that mirror factor, 0.1 will reflect lights but not images (less mirror effect). Make your own tests to see how it works. Normally you should use Beckmann type. If your glossy material is a perfect mirror, you should use Sharp glossy type (this type ignores the roughness parameter). And if you need a high roughness, you can use GGX type. It produces a different kind of reflections.

Regarding the other question, to connect nodes to the side of the node group you only have to drag a node socket and drop it in that side.

Thanks elbrujodelatribu, I am thinking it must be something like you mentioned, but I can’t say for sure. I ended up using a different chamo image texture, because I needed to get the scene done. I’ll check back to see if anyone finds a reason. Thanks again for the materials you are posting.

If you want you can try a background setup like this.

Just got a chance to check this site out… thanks for the link … great stuff…

Hi everybody. Today I’m going to show you a marble / stone material.

I have used two wave textures and a color ramp node to generate de base color of this material. After that I have added a translucent shader to get some light absortion, and the normal fresnel-glossy mix to get reflections:

The colors of the ramp are: #523025, #8C5947, #BC8F79, #A9765F, #BC8F79, #8C5947, #BC8F79, #8C5947, #C2AEA7 and #C29B89.

The marble patterns are mixing using screen option, which produces a clearer image, and are like these:

One is more scaled to produce little details inside the main wave texture.


Excellent marble there!
Please consider putting a file available for download, it’s so easier than reproduce all the nodes network by hand.

As @Carrozza said " Excellent Marble" mat.

for the ancient gold
can you explan what the geometry dot product power noces do?



Thanks for the post on the marble material I had been playing with this texture some this past week and could not get it to do what I was looking for…
Seeing your treatment of the Color Ramp for this and the Light absorbtion frame has given me some ideas on trying this again…

it looks there are several methods to modify the way each faces normal is treated
layer weight - fresnel - vector and incoming - normal node!

this dot product seems to give only a greyish color !
what is the goal effect for this trick ?

but is there like a list of advantages or disavantages for each of these methods?


Hi everybody. Today I’m going to show you a colored metal material.
EDIT: As @norvman says, this material could be useful as anodized metal. (I can not edit the title of the post, so I write it here)

I found this material looking for a base color for a carpaint material, but I think it is interesting by itself.

The node setup is a bit complex. It consists of a double glossy nodes mix, with a facing factor. I used two contrast nodes and mix colors to get different hues from one color.

The factor for roughness tries to get a less mirror effect in the glossier zones.

I hope you like it.


did not find this in wiki for cycles!

do you know what the definiton is for mix shader is ?

is it like

mix performs a linear interpolation between x and y using a to weight between them. The return value is computed as follows: x ⋅ ( 1 − a ) + y ⋅ a .

and samething for the color mix and difference with the add mode!

if i add a red and green color to a mix color node then to material it gives black!
so what is the math here ?


Nice one very much like Anodized Metal Racing Parts…

Thank you so much elbruiodelatribu (and others) for these great materials, I’ve played around with a lot of them and used them to nice effect. Keep them coming please! Any chance for a base material for bottlenose dolphin skin in cycles? More important is the top gray / glossier part. I have a finished animation of dolphins swimming which I shot from below, with the light from above, as I’m terrible with materials. I’d like to add to it and animate the camera to move above the water surface and have a dolphin jump out and do a flip.

What I’d like:

Still from my dolphins swimming animation:

to get good reflections you gone need a good environment HDRI map
and some glossy material

happy cycles

guess I’ll watch some HDRI tut’s, any good links?

I watched a couple and they were awflul. One guy took a photograph of a christmas ball and tried to use it, the result was so terrible it turned me off entirely. It was like looking at a scene behind a filthy pane of glass, and with cataracts.

well christmass ball are a little small need a bigger sphere!
