Yet Another Thread about Cycles Materials

Hi all.

In this thread I’m going to show some cycles materials that I think you could find interesting. I hope you like them, and if you can improve them you can show how to do it here:

EDIT: All materials posted here are procedural. I don’t use images for textures.


Cool material. Keep them coming. I love looking at node trees.

Thanks @moxiecrimefight.

This material is made with Blender and Cycles. I tryed to do a kind of metal with three tones:

I mixed two main colors with a facing layer weight node, and included a third color to darken the objects backwards.

This is an examples of setup:

  • Normal: Roughness 0.04 / 0.08

  • Glossy: Roughness 0.01 / 0.04
  • Ultra Glossy: Roughness 0.001 / 0.01
  • Rough: Roughness 0.1 / 0.08

Changing the colors and the roughness you can get several kinds of gold. You can download these and other node setups at blendswap.


Nice so far…

Very nice !

Thanks @Rich33584, @benemer and all who looks at this thread!

This material is made with Blender and Cycles. It is quite simple. You need to create an effect like a mirror.

In Cycles you need the Glossy node with Sharp option enabled. This setup doesn’t take into account the Roughness paramenter. I have added a color ramp node, controlled by a facing layer weight node, to show a darker border outwards, which I see in some pictures, for example in Harley Davidson motorbikes:

That’s all.



thanks for your efforts. It’s very good for people like me. :slight_smile:

Bookmarked! Thank you :smiley:

can you exaplian a little the logic and how this face things works

does it have anything to do with the normals comapred to the camera or else

still tried a little the chrome
but there are different type of chrome some are sort of bluish orther are greyish
with more or less mirror effect
youc an even have some brush pattern i mean there are many type of chrome

but from first gold mat i think it might be possible to make different sort of chrome

also this same mat could be used to make the different stainless steel type
including brush one ect…

again stainaless steel has many look depending on type like 316 320
there are at least 20 different type of stainless steel

have to see if i can find some nice pic showing these !
i’ll do some testing on stainless steel and see what i can come up with

nice work
looking foward to see what you can come up with


Hi @RickyBlender.

Thanks for your intestest (@dukejib and @Kryptonian8077 too).

In my node setup I have only played with the color of the material. I think the Chrome will be better mixing two glossy nodes with fresnel or facing, so it will be more accurate with reflections. About the appropiate color, it depends on the references you take. I saw accesories from many cars and motorbikes pictures (like this exhaust pipe of a Harley), and I observed that kind of gradient.

I have node setups for steel and stainless steel, which I’m preparing to post here. But it dependes on your references. Without that color gradient, I think it seems platinum.

Probably you can use the Gold setup to make chrome like material. This is a fast setup.

still wondering how this facing work or does !

definitively looking for some different stainless steel

there are so many different type and finish!


This material is made with Blender and Cycles. I have tried to make a kind of coated glossy node.

I have mixed a diffuse and a glossy node to get a specular material. The color of the glossy node will be the color of the specular reflections. I have used RGB (0.8,0.8,0.8). It is not recommended to use (1,1,1), because of it can produce fireflies. The roughness of the glossy node will determine how sharp the mirror reflections are.

Then I have mixed this with another glossy node, but this time I have use a fresnel node as mixing factor. My aim is getting a coating above the material. For plastic this coating is weak, but I’m going to reuse this node setup for other materials.

These are the values for plastic:

I will reuse this node group in my next material.


Using the same node setup that the Plastic Material and changing its parameters you can get something like this:

Basically I have increased the weight of the glossiness.

You can download and check other setups in blendswap.


Here it is an example of the gold material explained previously, without compositing.

If you want to see the composed version you can look here.


only one error the last 0 if offseted !

but looking very bright !


These are all very interesting - keep up the good work!

Yes. There are more characters offsetted. It’s easy to do that with Inkscape. I tried to do an old press effect.

Thaks. I will try it!

Now I’m going to introduce a light modification in the node before to create a basic carpaint material like these:

In the coated glossy node explained above, I have changed the diffuse node by a glossy node with GGX type.

This produce a wide range of red colors below the reflections. I have inserted a new parameter called ShinyMultiplier. It is the rougnness of the new glossy node. It should be 0.2 or higher. I was looking for a kind of ramp diffuse node for one color. The parameters for the image above are as follows:

The color of the coating is not random. I have chosen the complementary of the base color. This is the reason of the node group name.


I realize this may be a dumb question, but how do I add the “Randomize” node block in the Camoflague texture? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks

complement color is interesting
is there a way to show / calculate the complement color and show it may be!
