YoFrankie Level Design Competition (QA+sign up)

I found that the best way to make my level is by using meta objects and converting them to mesh so they will work in the game engine. The problem with that is meta objects have alot of verticies which really slows the game down. Is there any way to unsubdivide it so it will load faster.

I want to enter this competition. I have some ideas brewing, but I’d better see how well they implement before saying what. :wink:

Well, decided I’m in.

A barebones (so far) WIP thread - http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=145999

I’m a pretty decent modeller, and I know I’m showing up late in the game (no pun intended)

so I don’t plan on winning, but would like to do this all the same, quite simply; I have studied in “game psychology” a bit, and have noticed you’ve gone for the classic “trench” style gameplay, so maybe if you’ll allow it I’d like to create a non-trench oriented level. or… make it a wider atmosphere at least…

again I don’t necessarily want to enter the competition, I just want to test a few theories…

naturally if you like what I design, you can use it! :wink: but it will probably come in later than the expected end of the competition.

either way, thanks for making this opportunity…

I’m not sure what your doing, but Metas aren’t really an official way of building game levels in Blender!

Check out this video - http://www.yofrankie.org/tutorial-level-template/
That should help get you started.

hmm post editing is not working… anyways edit: the files are quite large it may take me awhile just to download a level much less re-design it… so this will probably be a while longer than anticipated…

Is there any way to make the game single player only? When using libary.blend the window is always run as split screen, even when only frankie is being used.

AD-Edge, thats why its probably easier to make a few tests per day in the game itself, I suppose,
though its definitely possible to make it single player, just not sure how easy.
(haven’t looked at how its set-up yet).

Open chars/frankie.blend, the textblock “frank_init”

This stores default configuration for when the game starts without the menu
Line 27 - confdef(‘PLAYER_COUNT’, 2) # change 2 to 1
Line 59- WITHOUT_CAMERA = False # Set to True, is also useful for testing when you want to use a fixed viewpoint.
Look around here and you can change other default config options such as keys and graphics quality

Correction - a few times I mentioned detecting frankie by his property, the property to check is “predator” not “player”.

Thanks, works perfectly.

WIP thread now up : http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=146177

Answering email on this thread again :slight_smile:

When I use the library .blend to make my level, I cannot edit any of the models, and there are no logic bricks. I was wondering how im supposed to edit my level…?

You cant edit library objects, (tree’s mushrooms, frankie, sheep), directly in your level blend file.
You’ll need to open the blend file they come from and edit them there. For some edits your better to duplicate and make a new group.

This is also the limitation that you cant add logic to an instanced group, the logic must be on the objects in the group. (as with frankie and the sheep).

In short, If you need to add logic to a library object, youll either have to make the group real or add the logic in the library and link it in.

On a similar note, the way I’m working towards is to create a folder (BDAssets) inside the ‘levels’ folder and put all my textures and newly created .blend files in there, (with the exception of the actual level .blend) Then I link them in as groups and go from there.

That way, it should be a copy and paste job to add my level to a copy of YoFrankie.

Any issues with doing it that way that I don’t know about? Still pretty new to the BGE side of things.

Edit - Should probably have ‘Relative Paths’ selected too, eh?

Hey Campbell, how are you?

I am trying to carry things, like sheep, ramiro, frankie and momo …

how can I do that? I saw there is 2 proprieties, carry and carried …
But how can I set a “plane”, for example, to carry and release they?

@BenDansie, this sounds good - any way you go about it that makes it obvious what changed should be ok. I just dont want to waist time guessing what assets changed when adding the levels.

@mangojambo, very close!

  • add a cube
  • set it to a dynamic actor, radius to ~0.3
  • add properties “carry” -> 0, “carried” -> 0, “kickable” -> 1

Now you can kick it to pick it up and throw as usual.
“kickable” is optional, if the object is likely to get above frankies head some other way (if it jumps on its own, for instance), you could leave it out.


I am entering the contest. Useing the ready assets and adding few new ones.
I have few questions related to asset I have added. Its a simple dolphine
I have the texture as jpeg, but i should probaply use png ?
I am not sure how should I scale and position the asset, should this be done
involving an empty or maybe just scaling the armature in its own blend file and
positioning in the level file ?

make the dolphin in its own file and group it with its rig and what other objects are needed/part of it.

now if you link the object into a scene the group shall be a child to an empty.

hope this basic answer helps.

Also explore the other creatures files to learn more. :slight_smile:

Ok Ideasman or felix, seeing as I have slow internet and the levels are about 20-30MB a peice, I should probably say that I’d like to develop a forest level, but I am also going to need some water for a group of forrest streams (used as non-wall based barriers)

so perferably a level with lots of trees and some water.

anyways, with that in mind, which level (if any one in particular) would be the best starting grounds for this?

thanks, that helped much. I didnt notice the empty earlier. Now the dolphin is part of the gameplay :slight_smile:

I’d say level one seems to be the one, it has plenty of water, trees and rocks. :slight_smile:
but remember that all assets are in their own respective files and then linked to the level files.

you can browse & download all the source files trough http from graphicall.org here:

Glad to have been of help. :slight_smile: