You know you've been using too much Blender when...

There’s a plot?

You’ve met my ex?

When you try to get your cat to pose for medelling.

When you’re drawing 2 identical graphs in reading class and think “Shift+D”(true story, scared the **** out of me).

When I’m writing a research paper and I press Ctrl+W.

ouch, I’ve done that too with OpenOffice :o

When you look at your fingernail and think that it needs more subsurf levels.

See yourself in the mirror and look for the edge loop to scale it in a bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

When you itch your right leg and expect the mirror modifier to apply it to your left.

when you dream about how when a cat sees you, it can see your wireframe which if the cat is trained can then be mentally transferred over to your computer :RocknRoll:

sorry but my car had a collision factor boss

The other day I had printmaking class. We are creating a 4 color print using linoleum blocks and the process is carve, print, carve, print, carve.

My prints turned out really badly. I wish I could have used a modifier on the block. :confused:

When I want to turn up the ao in my room.

When you die from I blood clot in your leg. Hasn’t happened to me personally.

when you argue with your engineering/ architecture teacher that blender is the best 3D software IN THE UNIVERSE!!!
and when you know that blender is the best 3D software in the UNIVERSE!!!

  • When you can’t remember installing all those other programs on your computer, so you blame the kids for touching it.
  • When the splash screen of your favorite old game says “Look who’s come crawling back!”
  • When the visit count in your browser for BlenderNation and BlenderArtists reads like 1.06E4
  • When you can draw Suzanne in wire frame from memory
  • When the world ends in December and you don’t care, 'cause the “Make Perfect Render” button just got released as an add-on

when you write every paper and speech on it for school

When you press shift + a to add a shape in MS Word

When you keep spamming the a button in microsoft word and realize you can’t select everything with it.

wHEN U go to type something and capslocks on? Maybe just me, I dont know why, I dont need to press capslock for anything. I must just hit it with my finger between pressing shift & tab

When youre making a report in class and you imagine yourself pressing Ctrl+S to save it

When you’re trying to fall asleep but you can’t because you are too busy thinking about what you’re going to do tomorrow in blender :slight_smile: