ZBrush matcap in Blender

Sadly, my computer can’t handle GLSL, so I still have to render to view the outcome.
Now if only we can get the same effects but still allow the mesh’s to receive and cast shadows. Sure would save a lot of rendering time if we could just create simple textures like this.

Anywho, here’s my test. I added a minor reflection to the base to counter the lask of a monkey shadow. The image below is a PNG so if needed, the Mats can be cut out with a transparent background.

You need to come out of sculpt and back into sculpt for the vector information to update…

Discount Oil Paintings

Shall this be added into the 2.5 materials library? Or would it be considered as copyright infringement?

Hey guys,

I thought i would pop in fast to say that i have made a video tutorial for Eat3d on this and its available to watch for free (there is a HD version with the blend files, 16 matcaps and a .psd available for purchase, but the video content is the same)
You can check it out here

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Nice addition to this thread!
Thanks for sharing!
I’ve noticed the use of Blender in another free tutorial on Eat3D (about the decimation). So, a little off topic question: “Do you plan of making more Blender centered tutorials”?

At the moment nothing is planned or being worked on, but we could in the future…anything is possible :wink:

Im glad you enjoyed the tut :slight_smile:

2.5 latest svn update fixed the normals not updating in sculpt mode :slight_smile:

FUCK YES! Awesome!!!
Which revision is that?

edit- works in 2.51alpha1… wait, 2.51a1 is out now???

edit again - this should be default behavior in 2.5! Like the old (deprecated) “fast-draw” mode in 2.4. When you switch to Sculpt Mode, it should automatically load one of these matcaps, and have the option to switch between a few presets (like Mudbox does). It’s so much easier to see what you’re sculpting this way, and you don’t have to mess with your scene’s lighting.

Now all Blender needs is arkano22’s realtime SSAO to work in the viewport for a cavity shader, and Blender will be right up there with Mudbox in terms of features.

I agree it would be awesome to see those features!

i have a 175 1k png matcaps to share but not sure the policy on uploading all of them on the forum (roughly 100Mb). They are all processed so you don’t get weird alias at the edges.

Here’s a contact sheet of them.


Wow, I would be really interested in checking them out! I don’t think blenderartists allows you to upload files so you’ll have to find someplace to upload them. Try DropBox at https://www.dropbox.com/

Actually, now that I think about it more, dropbox is probably not a good solution for sharing a file like that. You might try rapidshare.

I don’t know but really looks nice :wink:

So obviously a lot of interest so I put on my google docs


Let me know if these are useful to ya’ll.

Thank you!

To make sure everything is kowh34 - probably would be good to get permission from matcap creators and or create our own matcap library from within Blender.

Agree LetterRip. only problem I see is that there is no emails or ways of getting the permissions from those that submit. There is no licensing terms shown on the download site and not sure how much its a problem since its images outputed then modified in photoshop to work better with blender; and not the ZMT themselves. Not sure what to do to make it ‘more kosher’.

Is this something that could be a REAL issue, or is this a bit overkill? What are the sources of the images?

most of the image sources are artists who have contributed them. Others are from ZBrush.

It might not be a significant issue - maybe noone will care - but I prefer to check with artists etc to avoid issues where possible.

basically i setup a highly subdivided sphere in zbrush and went through a ton of materials and render each then ran some actions in photoshop to help make more useable (espeically at the edges). All the images were created/manipulated/rendered specifically for use as images for Blender and none are ‘directly’ from Zbrush so probably not an issue.