Zen UV for Blender

Zen UV is not just a set of tools, it is ready to use pipeline for fast creating UV’s in Blender. It represents an intuitive system created by professionals and refined in real projects. Enjoy this experience with us!


Main Features

  • Smart Zen Unwrap Operator to mark selected edges/faces as Seams and/or Sharp edges and Unwrap by Marked edges after. Unwrap your model easily with Zen Unwrap!
  • Powerful Marking System that helps you to mark Seams and/or Sharp automatically by angle, by existing UV Borders/Sharp Edges, and manually.
  • New Finished System. It helps to control and manage the state of unwrapping UV Islands (Finished/Unfinished) by tags and visually. Nothing will be left not unwrapped!
  • Quadrify Islands Operator to straighten rectangular-shaped UV Islands.
  • Different Pack Engines. Yes, you can use UVPackmaster 2 with Zen UV.
  • Isolate Island Mode for comfortable step by step work with separate geometry parts.
  • Checker System is a node-based system that contains Checker Textures designed specifically for Zen UV. Custom textures can be added easily by the user at the node level. Check UV’s state on the model without ruining existing materials!
  • Flexible Preferences System will help you to adjust Zen UV for your needs.
  • Smooth by Sharp (Toggle). Set hard/soft edges for perfect normal map bakes in one click!
  • UV Maps Properties Tab to have quick access to UV Maps management.
  • Intuitive UI with multifunctional Main, Pie and Popup menus. You will like it!
  • Quick Support on the Discord channel.

How to install and use Zen UV (v1.8)

What’s new in Zen UV (v1.9)

Gumroad: www.gumroad.com/l/ZenUV
Blendermarket: www.blendermarket.com/products/zen-uv

Required Blender version: 2.80+
Documentation: https://zen-masters.github.io/Zen-UV/
Support: https://discordapp.com/invite/wGpFeME


Amazing addon, especially for the price.

Using this saves so much time it’s unreal, very easy to work with as well. The option to select the UVP pack code making use of other great minds, I wish there was more of this being done.


For russian users:

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Nice addon, I just bought it.
Blender lacks some tools concerning Uvs and any addons to boost speed is appreciated !

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And in English too!


I just bought this and I can’t find the Pack Islands option. Has this been removed or is this option only available if I have UVPackmaster 2 also installed?

I see that the GumRoad version is 1.82 and the Blendermarket version is still at 1.81.

Do you know when this will be updated?

Zen UV - updated to 1.9!


Hey, I have just moved over to Blender 3.0, Zen UV installs and is working, however some function don’t seem to work ie “select Island” and “Quadrify Islands” possibly others not sure.
Can you confirm this and will there be a fix any time soon.

Hi, not soon, when there will be a 3.0 release.
The last stable Blender release at the current moment is 2.93.

Zen UV - updated to 2.0!


Zen UV - updated to 2.1!


No problems, thanks Sergey.

Oh wow, that’s impressive! Would have saved me a lot of time last week, haha.

Great update :+1:

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Excellent update. I’m curious if you’re aware of, and have considered adding support for, the new “UV-Packer for Blender” free plugin by 3D-io? UV-Packer for Blender (Free) (Update) These developers have been making commercial plugins for 3DSMax for years and have recently entered the Blender space. Their packer seems like a great free alternative to UV Packmaster, even if it doesn’t have all the powerful features of Packmaster implemented (yet). Anyhow, I’m a ZenUV customer and thought that UV Packer would potentially make an additional good option from your dropdown list of packing algorithms.

woah, this is awesome!

Edit: Have you considered trying to add a Iterative Relax option in here?
Where you can pin/tag verts or edges if you wanted, then Pelt/Relax around that? Not using blender relax, but a stepping method/recursive kinda method, that will try to match the geometry but also then respect/follow the pins/constraints you may add in the UV Editor.

A proper relax/pelt is the main thing Blender is missing now, I feel like. I’m currently using the addon/bridge from blender to Headus UVLayout to relax… but ideally we could do it in blender itself, or even processes in the background/send updates to blender window like UVPackMaster does.

I noticed a bug when I was trying your addon now.

When I toggle the checker display in your addon, it keeps adding a new texture to the scene every time. Looks like you might have to/want to check for existing bitmap/texture datablock in the scene first, and re-use that, and if doesn’t exist, then load? Otherwise a user may end up with like 100 texture refs in their scene or more. Unless I’m doing something wrong?

thank you!


Hi Sergey!
This actually a very good idea: just put the UV-Packer free exe in the folder, take the delivered, free python script that runs it and wrap it in the Zen-Code. Zen could then send and receive packed data as expected :slight_smile:

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Could you share the issue on our Discord channel?


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