2.8 Default Keymap

How about a button on the top bar when the cursor mode is selected then?

I really don’t understand how you think this is a bad idea. Put yourself in the mind of a completely new user, who will undoubtedly fumble with the 3D cursor. That menu is the only obvious way to handle the cursor to a new user.


Couldn’t you just dump 3d cursor options in the properties panel when the Cursor is selected?

Super crappy mockup, because I can’t figure out how to edit the Python in that spot:


Then you’re suggesting to either mix active tools with operator buttons that execute commands.

Or make center cursor into a separate tool that only centers the cursor.

This is inconsistent with how tool-systems typically work. There is normally a clear separation between active tools and buttons which perform immediate actions. Tool-systems are typically like radio buttons, where activating one doesn’t immediately perform edits.


I like it… :+1:

Then you’re suggesting to either mix active tools with operator buttons that execute commands.

Or make center cursor into a separate tool that only centers the cursor.

This is inconsistent with how tool-systems typically work. There is normally a clear separation between active tools and buttons which perform immediate actions. Tool-systems are typically like radio buttons, where activating one doesn’t immediately perform edits.

I get your point. Did you see my other suggestion? I see that my suggestions are inconsistent with the current principles of the menus, but I really think we need to find a solution to this problem. This is all for the sake of new users. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a new user that immediately understands how to handle the 3D cursor without looking it up on the internet. It needs to be more obvious.

What do you think would be a solution to the problem? Or do you completely dismiss the problem?

Yes! That’s the logical place for it. Especially since this area is really underutilized in Object- & Editmode atm. A Button / Dropdown in the Topbar if cursof tool is selected couldn’t hurt either.

The only problem I see is, that the Topbar / Tool-Userprefs-Area’s are meant as Options for the active Tool, not actual Operators that change stuff in the scene - or am I wrong here?
I still like the idea though.

A button that is under the cursor position info in the n-panel would make the most sense to me.

But would it make the most sense to a new user? How does a new user know the n-panel even exists? They won’t just magically know to press “n”, let alone look there for a way to center the cursor.

The left panel is immediately visible, and already has a button for the cursor. It is the logical first place they are going to look for anything related to the 3D cursor.

About Snap options, another thing that is missing is “Snap Selection To Center”. Not only as Alt+G work for everything selected, but also an option that makes it work as “Snap Selection To Center (Offset)” for all the selection. This should be in menu and Shift + S. It is a bit tedious to have to move the cursor to the center first and then perform the other actions, mainly for new users who do not know shortcuts and must do it through menu or Search function.
Sorry if something like that really exists, and I just did not know it.

By the way, apparently in Search function only “Snap Selection to Cursor” appears but as “offset” actually (different to Shift+S menu)

Well done. I like it a lot too.

3D cursor as a tool only would be a dream come true… :wink:

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I don’t get what you mean. The tool panel works the same way. The solution for both is to just have them open by default.

That would be the worst move ever.

The N panel is scary enough hidden, let’s keep it that way. :v:

Regardless of whether you like or hate the toolbar and n-panel, hiding them by default would hurt blender’s usability. The options on both are easy to understand and if the user doesn’t want them they always have the power to close them and keep them closed. They are both open in the current default and I can safely say that didn’t make blender harder for me to learn. It took me less than a week to learn blender.

Nope, the N panel comes closed by default, which is a smart move by the devs btw.

Aw dang. I think I saved over my startup with it open. Yea, it looks like its not open by default. I still stand by what I said earlier though. It really should be open by default.

In paint and sculpt modes, Topbar is containing popovers containing operator buttons.
There is a clear separation between active tool and mode options inside same topbar.

Adding an active tool specials buttons popover should extend Topbar use without creating confusion.
There is more space in Topbar since orientation/snapping/PET/pivot popovers return into 3DView header.

Such popover could act differently according to active tool.
For Transform tool, it could display a shortened Object → Transform sub-menu. (Align operator, randomize transform operator,apply transform operators…).
For Ruler tool, it could contain as buttons 2.79 shortcuts to delete a ruler, copy its value to buffer.
For edit mode tools, we could imagine using it for addons.

By the way, I am happy to 3D Cursor panel working. It should display rotation of 3D Cursor in 2.8.

What’s happened to Ctrl+Crsr Up : maximise panel? That’s a quick thing I do all the time!

And what happened to A: select/deselect all? I’m struggling without that one!

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It’s ctrl + space to maximize/minimize now. ctrl + page up/page down switches between workspaces, and they want you to use alt + a to deselect now. Yea, that last change is problematic. I’m hoping they change it back before the beta is out.

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Actually - both of those keypresses make a lot of sense, I’d just become familiar with the old ones. I guess this is why English spelling reform never happens and we’re stuck with place-names like Loughborough - with two ough’s in pronounced differently.

alt-a may make sense, but it is objectively slower.

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