3D-Coat Applink for Blender 2.8

Noticed that udim workflow wasen’t working. Now this update should fix this issue. So right now you can take one or more meshes into 3d-coat with one click as long they share same udim set. For example if you have cube 1001 and sphere 1001 that dosent still work. Here is quick demo how this feature works. Most importan thing to remember:

  1. Turn on “Import tiles as uv-sets” from import window

  2. Turn off “Export uv-sets to different folder” from export window

This uptate will already included in daily builds but here is zip file too. io_coat3D.zip (24.5 KB)


io_coat3D.zip (24.5 KB)

fixed udim bug.

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io_coat3D_v12.zip (262.0 KB)

If there was many y layers in udim applin didn’t work. This version fixes that bug.

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I have done major improments into applink. So if you had bad experient last time please download latest 2.91 daily build and give new try. Hope everything goes smoothly this time :slight_smile:

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I’m still having lots of trouble with the exchange folder, and experiencing an issue where sending objects to 3dcoat is sending blender into a loop that looks like cycling through animation frames. Maybe it’s trying to bake keyframes or sth?

Are you able to share this scene for me. Would love to test it out. if not. could you give some extra info. Does the error message appear when pressing Send button. Whar are your applink settings like in this picture:


Please make sure that bake options are all disabled.

Hello -

This part : “Please delete …/Documents/3DC2Blender/Exchange_folder.txt and try again. Now it should work” really should be indicated somehwere in the documentation link or directly in the addon panel.

I will try to find solution for it asap.

Now i updated 2.90 daily build and I hope it finally fixes this “Exchange_folder.txt” problem.

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Now there is some realtime updating in applink. you still have getback button so don’t worry :) and you need to use it when you bring your mesh into blender first time. But now applink will update textures that has already texture node in blender. This hopefully decrease some “getBack” clicks.

Included alredy in daily 2.90 builds.

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Small demo how liveupdate works now. You still need to do the first getback click, but after that it should update textures without pressing that button anymore.

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I decided to rewrite small part of applink that includes folders/paths functions. Nothing new for end user this time, but to maintain this code became a bit easier I hope :)

io_coat3D.zip (25.2 KB)

Also included in daily 2.90 builds

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Now applink is supported also in macs. (support included in daily builds)

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Hello again -
I just installed 4.9.34 and once installed the panel shows up as this :

I understand the pupose of an exchange folder, to store meshes to transfer back and forth ; but in this case how is one supposed to guess what the location actually is ? There seems to be no “Exchange” folder inside the 3DCoat installation folder.

Sorry for late…late reply… I can see that this can be a bit confusing so I will try to explain:

  • If install 3d-coat into default “Program Files” into your OS hard drive. Then you good to go. It should work without need to set any folders. It will look for your “/Documents/Applink/3D-Coat/Exchange” folder. That is the link folder between how these two apps listens each other.

  • If your 3d-coat is different harddrive or you choose to change your exchange folder inside of your 3docat app. Then you need to tell applink where this Exchange folder is located. You can easily know where it is when you go to 3d-coat menu and choose. EDIT -> Relocate 3DCoat’s data.

Hope this info helps a bit.

Yesterday I added better folder managing system for applink. So if possible please download daily blender 2.92 to get it.


Hi guy’s just starting to use the app link and thank a lot for making this very useful addon but i have difficulty with viewport clipping in 3d coat even ajusting the clipping plane in preference to o.1 and it still clip trough the stone floor object.

I work at a scale of 0.01 in blender to match with UE4

Here a pic

I also have this issue when i click on apply in 3d coat the mesh seem to have flip the normal so is there any way to fix that?

Hello @haikalle, thank you for your reply.

• My 3DCoat installation is in the default location (in my case : C:\Program Files\3D-Coat-V4.7.06). However I am still getting the prompt for the the exchange folder as shown above.

“You can easily know where it is when you go to 3d-coat menu and choose. EDIT -> Relocate 3DCoat’s data.” I do not understand what this means. There is no such menu item inside the Edit menu of either 3DCoat, or Blender … What do you mean exactly ?

• Regarding daily blender 2.92 : Since 2.92 is experimental I don’t think it should be required to use the addon. Where can one find a version for 2.83LTS or 2.91 ?

I have some troubles here. After I press Send, nothing happens in 3d Coat, Fbx file generates in the 3DC2Blender folder, but 3D Coat does not react… Maybe it is because the 3DC2Blender folder is in the Documents folder, isn’t it? Should I move it into “3D-CoatV49”?

For Unity, I usually set 0.01 scale in export settings. It works perfect for armatures and animations.