Hey phoe-nix-art. That’s so great to see. Really nice work.
I am using 3D Coat a lot too. Mostly for texture work right now but I really want to dive deeply into sculpting again soon when I have time. It’s had so much more development on the sculpting room recently. I tried the pure free form voxel sculpting in the latest stable build at quite a high resolution and it felt smooth as butter.
I think it is little bit forgivable surely if they might get back late occasionally considering what the country and it’s people are having to go through. I think it is incredible how much 3D Coat is developing and evolving right now and keeping on a strong steady course despite so much outside pressure.
Funny you say that, I got curious about 3D Coat for the same reason. I didn’t want to go with Substance Painter after Adobe took over, and it seemed that 3D Coat had nice painting features too, so I gave it a try.
Indeed, the paint room is great. So far, it’s been my main choice when it comes to texture painting.
I also got Marmoset, which I like it a lot, but for some reason I keep going back to 3D Coat.
Ten years
Glad to see it finally resolved. Hopefully the Paint Room can continue to get some attention now. Back then there was talk of ‘Photoshop-like layer masks’, hopefully that makes it in at some point.
Just wanted to mention that the object wasn’t UV mapped and there was no baking either.
I couldn’t find a way to export directly to Blender. Thanks, @carlosan, for the info about the Simplified Export Command. It basically does all the dirty job for you, UV map, and all.
@carlosan ‘Import UV’ on an FBX rotates the UV’s by 180 degrees, even when you re-import the same UV
I tested it in 3DCoat 4.9.72 with the same file, and it doesn’t do this.
Additionally, I really wish the different shapes Stroke modes (Vertex, Stroke, Square/Rectangle, Circle/Ellipse Lasso) could erase with Ctrl, as the other Stroke modes do.
Did you import the UV? Please follow the steps I show in the video.
Also, on 22.58, I just had the undo bug. I drew a circle with the Line Stroke mode, undid it succesfully, then drew a new circle. On undo, the OLD circle was suddenly overlayed onto the new circle.
Just bug after bug after bug
-The texture baking dialog jumps back to the middle when you toggle an option.
-The Vertex Lasso Stroke mode needs two or three undos, depending (I think!) on whether the camera moved immediately after.
Again, this is just me using the Paint Room for half an hour, finding issues.
Does you liking my post mean you could also reproduce this bug?
If it helps, searching for ‘Flipped UV’ on the forums also turns up a few posts, from 2018.
I was wrong by the way, it’s not rotated by 180 degrees, it’s flipped on the vertical axis.
A lot of the time, liking doesn’t really mean anything. I use likes to acknowledge when someone replies to me, to appreciate posts or topics, or to indicate a good point in a discussion - I’ll like opinions I don’t agree with if they’re well reasoned and contributing to a discussion. Mainly, I like to indicate that a post is contributing to a good community. In this case, I think the likes indicate that you are contributing to a good community
I like lots of posts for various reasons, but imagine this:
You have a software package that someone’s trying to get you to fix something in. You’ve already replied ‘Can’t reproduce’, only to be told: yeah but did you do all of these steps that I’m showing in the video?'.
You then like that post. The question is then posed: ‘Were you able to reproduce it now? Hello, is this thing on?’
You like that post, and retreat into the shadows.
I implore you to think about why I asked what it meant. It’s not because I’m confused about the deeper meaning of a like, it’s because it’s weird to suddenly clam up when asked if the video you made helped them reproduce a bug, but still like the post.
And note that I’ve aired my concerns with submitting a ‘proper’ bug report, which can (and will) languish for, well, up to ten years.
I simply won’t do it again, the bug tracker is the place bugs go to… well, not die. Live in limbo for eternity.
To report errors, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Let’s use this thread to show how 3DCoat is used as a Blender companion, and not to report bugs concerning the program.
It’s absolutely understandable to have a process for bugreporting, but as I’ve noted above:
So, You can request it, sure, but the result will be that I won’t report bugs anymore. And I’m finding a lot of them, some of which are absolutely horrendously broken and ruin the workflow.
I posted a bug here that 100% fucked up my project, and your response has been likes, even when I went through the trouble of creating a reproducable case with an example file.
I complained about a bug I’d reported ten years ago in here, and it was… well, not fixed, but something was done. Note that I updated the bug report multiple times to confirm it was still a problem, and nothing happened. Again: the squeaky wheel seems to get the grease.
Confirmed. Same issue about the UV with your FBX.
So far it didn’t happen to me, but now I’ll keep an eye on my exports.
Maybe I didn’t have the same problem because I use the app-link? I’ll try some FBX.