A floor board generator

As far as I can tell, your are maybe randomising using the «Object info->Random» node. That works only for separate objects.
You should use the vertex colour instead. The planks have each a random colour, that one can use to the drive the randomness.

(By the way, there is a parameter in the interface to rotate the UV.)

Here is a quick example:

Cool thanks.
With the “Range-Nodegroup” it works they way it’s useful for me :wink:

How does your “Reflection-Nodegroup” look like ?

Kind Regards

It is the reflection node by Cynicat Pro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNiVB7tRG68) with a hack to handle the Fresnel on one-sided-surfaces (thanks to lsscpp, if I recall correctly).

If needed, there is a colour ramp that makes the conversion between F0 and IOR, with manually entered values (all greater than 1) that would be plugged into that reroute node just after the value node marked «IOR».

The Glossy node colour is pure white (1,1,1).

My «Roughness*» value is actually Roughness ^ 2.5: with the cycles roughness scale, I can barely see any difference with values greater than 0.5. The 0.100 shown in the material picture would be around 0.003 on a Glossy node.

Wow, some those pictures in the previous replies look really good!

Meanwhile I added a tiny feature to the add-on to create random uv-maps that are a bit more compact.


– Michel.

And another tiny feature that limits the minimum size of random plank lengths at the sides.


– Michel.

Added random thickness option.


– Michel.

Thank you very much!
More randomness, the more real

hello, verry useful plugin, I have this bug with vray blender build, you can check terminal output there:


Hi, I’m using your plugin but have still the problem that maraCZ had previous year. See quote:

I still have the problem that the normals seem to be off.
I’m using Cynicat’s shaders and when vieuwing under less extreme to extreme angles there is something wrong with the reflection.
See pictures:

Do you have any solution or do you know what’s going on?
When putting them in Flat-shaded i get better results, but i want them smooth shaded, or is that no option in this case?

Thanks for the plugin and the great support already!


It is called terminator artifact.

a. Add edge loops at hard edges
b. use Subdivision modifier
c. use Edge Split modifier
d. set shading to Smooth & play with Auto Smooth Angle in Normals menu (under Data in Properties Editor)

Look here: How to avoid…

No, this is not exactly a terminator issue. This is rather a problem of the Smooth shading. I recommend to set the shading to Flat. You will have much better reflections.

Having an issue trying to download the add-on. All I’m getting is a wall of text.


You’re at the right place: that wall of text is the addon :slight_smile:

2 ways of downloading it:

  1. Instead of leftclicking on the link, rightclick and choose save as or save link as. It will start downloading a .py file (python extension).
  2. If you are at the wall of text, you can rightclick and choose save as, it will save a .py file

@MaraCZ thanks for the answer, i tried that and got rather good results (don’t mind the balls floating :stuck_out_tongue: )


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Great work,mate. One thing though. The links lead to an empty page on your blog. I had to search floor generator to get the latest version or am I the only one having this issue?

Again great work :slight_smile:

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I made a few changes to the script to solve those shading artifacts. I used similar aproach to what HardOps uses for beveled edges.
I also added a few functions like remove doubles and recalculate normals to avoid other ugly problems that sometimes appear at the edges.
You can download the updated addon here: Updated Floorboard Generator
Please note that I am a complete beginner at coding and there is a big chance that I made some mistakes. In my quick test everything seemed to work well.
Here is a screenshot with the new shading:


I updated the addon to be compatible with Blender 2.80. The functionality is (hopefully) the same.
You can download the addon here.


Hi. I have encountered this problem that I can not solve …
I would like a unique material (as I have assigned it) but in rendering I have this result.
What is it due to?

Can you post a blend file with just the floor and the material?
It could be wrong normals or wrong node setup of your material.

Hi @maraCZ.
I solved.
It seems that the problem was the normal map that was corrupt.
Thanks for your time.

I maybe doing something wrong. However, when I install the addon it does not appear anywhere. Not even in the installed addons. I am using the very latest build of 2.8 as of 25.5.2019.

Any assistance would be appreciated.