I’m a total beginner with rigging, so please bear with my noob-i-ness!
Please take a look at the video linked below.
I start with creating a Rigify basic human rig.
I notice that the bones are visible, even though i’m in object mode.
Next, i “generate rig”, then delete my original rig.
Question #1: how come the bones of this new Rigify rig are only visible if i go into edit mode, whereas with the original set of bones were visible in object, edit and pose mode?
Question #2: At 0:36, I move the hand, but there’s a green part of the rig that doesn’t move. What is the purpose of this green part?
Question #3: Does anyone have any suggestions for tutorials or other info sources that explains the various gizmos of the (automatically generated) Rigify rig?
It seems quite complicated and as a noob, I’m struggling to make sense of what I’m looking at and how to use it.
The green controls move the FK. the others are IK.
The list on the right hand side corresponds to the control and the part it controls,
so if you turn them off one by one you will see where they are and what they correspond to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWd3dntmhG4
In addition to the deform layers being hidden by default, the bones in the generated rig have shapes, so they are showing, they just don’t look like standard bones, shapes don’t show in edit mode.
The hand looks like an IK controller. I would assume the green part is the FK controller for the arm, so the IK controller doesn’t move it.
If I go back to the start of my video and set the eye icon to closed like in your picture, the bones do indeed disappear. But if i then go into edit mode, they don’t re-appear, like they do with the Rigify generated rig!
I already found the CGDIve playlist. It’s useful, but correct me if I’m wrong, i don’t think he actually explains how to use the rig to position the model, he’s only concerned with actual rig creation?!
Yeah, maybe not, I don’t really recall any specific video that just looks at the generated controls. At the end of the day, I just parented it with automatic weights and then in pose mode, move/rotate/scale every control to see what it does.
For the most part Rigify isn’t all that special in that regard. You get very similar controls and motions that one would get from just about any other rigging system or if you manually rigged it all yourself.
The bones of the new Rigify rig might be hidden in certain modes. In Object, Edit, or Pose mode, ensure that the bone layers are enabled in the armature’s properties. Also, check that the armature is not hidden or set to a different visibility mode.
Ahh, guess he maybe didn’t feel the need to do the video again, since it likely really hasn’t changed. Well, I guess there’s now Bone Collections, but from the point of view of the Rigify UI and using that, Bone Collections don’t actually matter.
In the video linked below, you see me do an IK move.
The green (FK) widget for the arm doesn’t move, but then i click the FK > IK button, and the FK widget snaps to the IK position.
My question is: what is the purpose of this workflow? It would seem to me more user friendly if the FK widgets just move at the same time as the IKs. What is the benefit of this “lagging” behavior whereby you need to manually snap the FK to the IK? And is there somewhere the option to just always have the IK and FK widgets move along with the other?
I maybe wrong, but I’m not so sure this is a workflow done on purpose. Instead it’s more a case of just how it needs to be as part of the overall rigging system.
I think if you tried to set it up that they automatically followed each other, you would end up with a circular dependency loop and nothing would work.
It’s possible this isn’t just a Blender thing and other software has the same issue.
Then again, it is also possible I’m totally wrong.
I guess a good way to improve it would be to have an option that when you release mouse button after a move or rotate, at that point FK > IK happens. I just think it’s weird that you need to do it manually each time!
Hey guys, I’ve really learnt a lot about rigging and posing with this thread!
But I still have some things that I’m struggling with!
Please take a look at the video linked below.
In it, you see me rotate the middle part of the spine (tweak), and the upper part of the torso follows, head and arms follow.
Next, I rotate the next section below (also tweak), but this just moves the part of the spine below! This seems counterintuitive to me. My feeling is that it should do the same move as the tweak widget above it, but from lower in the spine. So, everything above should also move.
I can’t work out how make the skeleton lean over so that the lower part of the spine rotates and curves forward.
I guess i need to learn how to get in there and edit the rig to change this behavour into what i want?
I also don’t understand why these spine widgets are labelled “tweak”?
Try un selecting the star next to the torso tweak that will reveal the torso control.
Selecting the star switches off all other controls from view.