BLENDER 2.83 (2.90) unstable & corrupting files on MacOS! Anybody else got this?

You want me to try 2.92, not 2.93? I tried 2.92 a couple of days ago, btw

That’s the one the dev linked to. But that was a little while ago.
If that one was still crashing, then I fear the issue is not resolved yet.
But it would surely not hurt to try the latest 2.93 alpha. :wink:
I’m not very optimistic, though, unfortunately…but hey…we keep on hoping!

Okay, nearly 24 hours in and I have not had a crash yet with 2.92.0 2021-01-29. :crossed_fingers:

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:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Balls just had the crash. Crashes instantly after returning to Blender after my Mac had been asleep for a couple of hours. Is there any point in reporting the bug?


Do you have corrupt files after a crash?
If not, then your issue might be different to the one I described in this thread.
In that case it might be helpful to report the bug.

I used to have the occasional crash but ever since I’ve been using 2.912 I’ve been having continuous crashes some times 3-4 crashes per hour. (I’m on Mojave). I would imagine it must be a bug. if anyone has a suggestion I’d be curios to hear it. Hopefully these crashes will be addressed with next build.

For me the build from 2.92.0 2021-01-29 has been more stable bit not perfect. It does seem better tho. Still a fair few crashes.

I just tried the latest 2.93 Alpha version. Played around with Geometry Nodes. It took about 2 hours until I had a crash which corrupted the save file. So the same problem is still there.

This is becoming a really huge issue now. Geometry Nodes are amazing and a total game changer. Not being able to use them will not only be super disappointing but it will also block Mac users from all particle & scatter related add-on’s in the near future. (Scatter, Graswald, and so on.) Cause all of them will switch to Geometry Nodes.

This is slowly but surely becoming a deal breaker!

Same. I just opened 2.92 to experiment with geometry nodes, but lost the save because of a crash. Then came here to see if there have been any updates. Over the weekend, I tried setting up Windows Blender in Crossover, tried Linux Blender in a VM. Downloaded a trial of Cinema 4D, but I’d rather Blender just work as it’s supposed to.

Unfortunately I haven’t heard of anything going on about this issue. that’s really frustrating.

Btw, I was also checking out Cinema 4D and even Maya. :wink:
But like you I would much rather continue with Blender. PLEASE!! :pray:

Hey! Signed up to this forum especially for this issue, I think I’m having the same problems.

While working on one of my projects I started having issues as described above. My project started crashing on a specific object (one I downloaded on the internet as obj and imported into my scene). At first I thought it happened because the source file was uploaded to my iCloud and not present on my computer anymore, so I started appending everything but the corrupted model to a new scene. This is where it started getting worse!

The new projects also started crashing, but now on other objects which I had created myself in other blend files, without warning. After repeating the process of appending everything into new scenes countless of times I started losing hope. The problem seemed to come from the older linked / appended blender files, so yesterday I started appending everything in yet another blender file, but this time making sure to make every object local (select all → Object → Relations → Make Local… → all).

And, until now I haven’t had the crashes anymore!!!

Is there anyone else that recognizes this scenario or can verify that there’s indeed some problems with the appending system? At the moment I’m running blender 2.92 on Mac OS Big Sur, 16" mb pro. I hope we can find a solution!

Signed for the forum just to mention I’m having the same issues with blender.
I’m using it on everyday basis for commercial work.

iMac 2015 Intel Core i7 4 Ghz

Last stable Blender is 2.82, every higher versions goes nuts!

Did anybody tried formatting mac and run new Blender on fresh OS? I’d love to know if it can help.

I had this problem on an iMac Pro (Mojave) and on an older Macbook Pro (Mojave/Catalina). Then I bought a new Macbook Pro 16" (Catalina)… and had exactly the same problem.
So a completely fresh, newly installed OS did not help for me.

Someone mentioned, that he does not have any problems on a freshly installed BigSur. I can’t confirm this as I’m still on Catalina, though.
To be honest, I can’t really imagine that the MacOs has much to do with this issue. It clearly started with Blender 2.83. So it seems to be a Blender problem. But then again - I’m no programmer.

Still haven’t had the crash!

Hey everyone! I also just made an account to post to this.

Ive been having the same issue, have lost 3 projects already due to whatever corrupts my file.
Im using a iMac 27" 2015, but apparently that doesn’t matter.
Ive had the issue twice with blender 2.92 crashing, and once with just closing the file and trying to reopen it later which it still ended up somehow corrupting. Ive seen someone say that it might be to do with the undo and that’s my suspect too, since my projects need a lot of tweaking.

Im on Big Sur 11.2.3 and it still crashes and corrupts the files. I saw on a different forum that a developer was talking with people with similar problems and he looked over the crash-logs and even though all the ‘‘crashes’’ looked alike, he couldn’t locate a cause for it so he said he couldn’t really fix what he can’t find.

edit: I don’t think the problem is object- related since i only used objects professionaly edited by coders to fit the projects that i work with. OR im completely wrong and that is the cause, but i can’t know since the crash-logs don’t show anything.

The problem also seems to come across more the larger a file is, i lost 3 400-1000mb files. I also have small art-files/projects which are never more than 100mb and with those i’ve never encountered a problem!

First of all - welcome RuimteReiziger!

I also could never tell if objects actually cause these problems. My main issues were with collections which were muted for a while - and when I tried to activate them again Blender would crash. (Or with project files which got corrupted entirely after crashing.)
Anyway, this is a really frustrating issue…

What i’ve been reading on multiple forums is that there seems to be a few possible causes of the crashing/corrupting files, with all the same outcome - Files can’t be opened anymore without Blender crashing.

Its quite annoying since it limits me/us from doing the work we want to, cause we already know we’re risking losing the file after working on it for a while

I haven’t had this issue since 2.90.
I resolved it by doing a complete reinstall of Big Sur while not installing from back up.
When installing Big Sur do a fresh install and then manually install each program you need for daily use. I repeat, do not install from back up or you risk installing whatever old function maybe causing this.

An extra step to help is to open a fresh new blend file and then append all objects/collections from the old files.

Drop some links to the other forums you are talking about this in so we can read through those and try to talk them through this, or gain more insight.

I know a lot of Mac users using Blender who don’t suffer from this issue at all, me included.