Ok, so I got a 10 million polygon model I have to wrangle in Blender (it imported at 12.5 million, but I added detail via Dyntopo and got it down to 9.5 million)…
But here’s the kicker:
I created a mask in sculpt mode, then used an add-on to transfer it to a vertex group (because that’s apparently not built in
). But weight painting apparently needs another Pablo Dobarro, because in a 10 million polygon model, the difference between painting a weight and painting a mask is literally several seconds per stroke! Like, why hasn’t the optimizations made for sculpt mode made it into weight paint mode? Why wasn’t the code written modular enough so both features can share it?
Similarly to the above, when you circle paint a selection in the UV mapping mode, it takes about a second per stroke. However, if you enable X-ray, which in my mind would disable z-order occlusion testing we’re up to 3-4 seconds per stroke which just isn’t usable at all! Even if you power through this, then “completing” said selection (by right-clicking) takes several minutes of Blender just freezing up while thinking…
I had ample time to write this post during work, because I’m still waiting for Blender to finish thinking about that selection in the background… and then I have to project the UVs from it and move and scale them and I know that’s also going to be disasterously slow.