Blendinglife - Woman (Finished)


Okay… some progress and finally for the better… Eyelashes bug now but thats minor thingie which i can fix easily… ofcourse her expression could be more welcoming… :smiley:

Fixed bad url.

edit: whops… too quick fingers…

edit 2 : fixed the errors.

Testing differend scale eyes… Works? Yes? No?

Works. Yes. Much better. They might be a tiny bit too small now but it looks better IMO.

Yeah i think they seem bit too small now, too… Tad scaling bigger and only if i could get that … twisted look from ITS face off… My previous attemts at smile failed quite nicely… perhaps something else should be tried next…

Uploaded new version. Now with slightly larger eyes.

I’ve been testing but i am out of fresh ideas… .Suggestions people?

look up for the picture


Made new eyes. Might have too powerfull color for now… But these are based on whole another kind of way to do them.

Nice job so far, I would say that the nose seems to throw off the face a bit… I can’t pin-point the exact problem though.

The ear is also problematic, I suppose you could cover it up with the hair.

The image needs to tell a story! I think you should try and convey a story through the lighting and expression, currently she has a very “wooden” look to her.

Also, I think that some of the textures are not detailed enough… Or the bump map isnt strong enough… have you tried baking the AO and overlaying in photoshop?

Good Luck!..


Took yet again whole another direction… Before commentin know this…
The hair is placeholder (the previous exploded),… Spec and Bumpmaps have trouble keeping up… :S So bump is practically nonexisting in this shot.

Hi Eradicor,

I think she looks great, lots of hard work in evidence there. Can I suggest thinning her eyebrows out more at the ends and softening the outer edge of the lips? I’d also recommend poly based hair, as you’ve no doubt seen, Blenders hair can be challenging to control.

Avoid the full straight forward eye direcftion. This gives the model a zombie look. The 3/4 view was fine but turn her eyes so she looks somewhere else but straight ahead, maybe a little toward the camera but not straight into the camera. Also a little side tilt of her head can add a lot of fife.



Changes made… a lot of them… Jaw, Hair, Eyes.

Fo Fu’s Sake … Why does it look like Transvestite…


excuse me, but I have to say, that I like the preview picture much better. It looks pretty and noble, like a queen in her garden.
The new one looks kind of weird. The tone of the skin is wrong, her glance looks kind of crazy, she has deep shadows under her eyes, the hair is shaggy, the dress have some strange folding (it looks like she has only her right breast left). Her shoulders are too broad and the head seems too small. I just don’t like it!

I hope, I don’t frustrate you! Keep on tweaking, 'cause I know you can make it!

so long

The glance is very enigmatic but it’s not necessarily a default :wink:
I’m not convinced by her mouth i think you should try to round off the bottom lips
Great work on texture i love her skin.

Two steps back one step forth or how was it?.. I think its going straight to hell this one is…

Uploaded new picture. Testing out props and reverted some ways backwards

Scaled eyes down a bit.


ah, that’s much better now (in my opinion!). The only minor thing is, that the circlet and the earrigs looks kind of painted on the picture, not like she is actually wearing it…

A I say it a seceond time. Don’t be frustrated. Sometimes taking two steps back is needed. Many artists had to throw away ideas after some time, because they realized that they weren’t good.

so long