BSpheres Addon

Hi Lamia,

If you are asking about the bug of history the blender developers did not fixed it yet. You can follow that thread.

Also I have some todo things but I’ll add them later as I’m working on a new procedural modeling tool.

Feel free to write if you miss something for your art in the tool.

Nope was just asking how things are going and giving ya a bump can’t wait to see the new tool :slight_smile:

It will be more for modeling. I think it will be pretty good.

Feels like that this bug is pretty low on the list to fix if even at all :confused:

Yeah, that could be with blender developrs.
I hope to port everything to geom nodes in future.

Any plans to add “posing” features ? Say if you are making a characte and rotate a point at the sholder the rest of the arm would rotate acrodingly, basicaly like FK?

Actually, I have an idea about this. Posing tool or fast bones. I hope to implement it in future. But at the moment I’ve been working on a new procedural modeling tool which takes all my time. (


Nice. posing tool and fast bones would be grate. I was thinking something a lot simpler, almost more like a quick select option. Say you are making a tree, it would be handy if you could select a point and the rest of the branch would get selected and the selected point would be set to be the active one. With the pivot point set to active element you could do small or big tweaks quite quickly. If you don’t have to many edgechains “overlapping” box or lasso select works fast, but if you need to rotate around to see if you got every vert you need selected or do multiple selections to get all the verts things take time.

I am not to fermiliar with python programing for blender add-ons, but I think i sortof have an idea for how this could work. If you could set a vert as “root” or “hip” then you could check the edges going out from the selection recursivly and see if you ever end up at the root, if you do then you ignore this “branch” so to speak, and if you go through all the conected verts and don’t hit the/a root or hip you select that “branch”. I would imagine something like this would be possible to implement …

Anyway just a sugestion :slight_smile: I remember playing around with zBrush many years ago, so I found this tool verry interesting. The procedural modeling sound interesting too, looking forward to see what you are comming up with :slight_smile:

Edit: Ohh, forgot I made a quick mockupto go with my sugestion, hope it makes sence :S


Hello I just bought the addon, it works, but its got some UI and usability problems.
what does the loops per timer do? and the timer as well, I thought that made the updating of the cylinders to the next position so they would move in real time and no after you move the spheres, but when I change those number nothing changes as far as how the position of the geometry is updated, its also hard to figure when the addon in active or inactive since the run button does not change to a different color after its pressed and stays that way during the de duration of the editing, I mean you know its active because if its not then the cylinders do not follow the spheres, but that means you need to click run without knowing if you should or if you should not.
In short what I mean to say is that Its not good to have the end user guessing how to use the application.

The addons works tho, and I like the concept of it a lot, just please make the UI so that we know if the addon is running, i.e. make the “Run” button change and remain changed to a darker gray while the addon is running.

I also don’t know what is the use of deleting the bspheres, I mean I know you added the option to do so, I just don´t know in what workflow that is an useful option.
at first I thought the button would delete all the geometry the addon creates (along with the collections so I thought it was a clean up system) but it only deletes the
spheres, it leaves the cylinders, and it also leaves the collections, so I’m confused as
to what is the use of it.

Also since on the vert size button is a tool tip saying what is does: -Set Vert Scale-
I suggest you add an additional tool tip saying, hotkey: shift+s.
I was really disappointed I had to input numerical values to change the spheres sizes, but then I thought to look in the documentation section in Blender Market and saw the hotkey, still this is something that I believe should be in the addon tool tip for the vert size button out of the box, the description of the button is actually redundant, the button could be called -Bsphere scale- and the tool tip could be: Hotkey: shif+s

In older versions none of them updated in real time, spheres in real time was added shortly after because of geometry nodes, not sure if you can make cylinders real time or not now with geometry nodes curves. as for the tick rate, i think how it works is it updates the position based on ticks so every time a tick happens it checks the for the positions of verts and updates currently the cylinder positions as spheres are real time atm. i think changing the tick rate will increase or decrees the frequency of positional updates though only on selected verts.

Anyway i think this addon is currently put on hold until there is a way to deal with cylinders, he seems to be working on 2 other addons right now that are much more popular so i don’t blame him for ditching this one currently.

Hey artists,

Thank you for your replies. I’ll look into the issues this weekend.

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Yes, timer updates cylinders. The less time the more updates. But performance will be worse.

I still did not find the way to move cylinders to GN. (

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Hi artists,

@Lamia I have tested GN . GN is still not prepared for cylindrs. (

@renderluzblenderid good news. I have added running change. I’ll upload a new version tomorrow.


Hey artists, V030 has arrived! I hope it will improve your work.


looks good

Good idea, but somehow ruined addon (or I don’t get it).

My case: create object, convert to bspheres, exit edit mode, select inbetween object (connecting cylinder) → bspheres object doesn’t work correctly anymore. I can still select it, but in edit mode moving bspheres doesn’t affect inbetween objects anymore (and doesn’t create new).

Showcase video

Blend file

Bspheres 2.0, Blender 2.93.0

Am i doing it wrong?

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Hi Boris, I get you. You changed an object then you went back to the BSpheres object. When you change an object the BSpheres tool stops working. There is an indication in V030 and you will always know if the BSpheres tool works or not.

Please, update BSpheres to V030.

Oh, i see. Thanks for the explanations!

So, i wonder: is there a way to combine bspheres and non-bspheres objects? For example, i want to start with bspheres for main body, then create some non-bspheres objects (insect antennaes through curves or something like that) and then still be able to edit bspheres object after all. Is it possible?

I just bought this but I don’t think I will be using it because it crashes so easily, especially on undo.

I love using Skin Verts to build shapes and was hoping this would allow me to do some other types of object, but it feels too fiddly between the crashes and the slow updates of geometry.