Caminandes - Short Movie

Ahahah I love it!

loves it!!!

Very funny!:smiley:

Well done. That was pretty funny, it reminds me of the beginning of Rango.

Great! the best for me is that the character really seems alive!. I was wondering, how do you see the future of blender internal, we know it’s going to dissapear, but seeing the quality, specially for animation and given the fact that cycles is not yet optimized for animation, maybe it has a future?

Awesome!! an idea simple but incredible work!

Nice! Funny.

Wonderful and extremely professional work!

really lovely :stuck_out_tongue:

fantastic! Great work.

Your video is similar to the Rock Bottom one. I couldn’t find a normal video, but this one starting at 2 minutes is when Spongebob always misses the bus.

Awesome work! This truly shows the features of Blender! I like the poses the most, along with the depth of field. Two questions: How many hair particles were used in the animal’s fur? Also, I noticed that the vehicles that passed were different, and so: Did you model the cars individually in much detail?
This work is stunning.

Wow… Nice work guys!!!

I love Pablo’s work. His characters have so much…well, character :smiley:

Thanks for the kind words about the character animation!

I’m pretty sure blender internal will not be dropped any time soon, if at all. Despite its limitations, it’s tried and tested and many people (like Pablo) know it inside out. Not only is it much faster to work with in most cases, it’s also more practical for those without the funds to afford super powerful GPUs.

I did most of the modelling on the cars. I made 4 or so different prototypes then tweaked a few things and changed colours to create the 11 (I think) that you see in the movie. Even though I probably added more detail than was needed (given the motion blur) it wasn’t really a huge job

3rd time I’ve seen it and I must say that this is very clever! I kinda chuckled. :smiley:

Brilliant animation! The character feels really well done, and the story telling style reminds me alot of the cartoons I used to watch as a kid. Excellent job!

awesome fun short movie! and all that done with internal renderer? incredible!

I think you guys just came up with a new Loony Tunes character! Great character piece. Any plans for further adventures?
