Carcassonne Medieval city

Hi all :slight_smile:

It’s now 4 days since my last post.
Nah the project is not over ( far from beeing ). I made some few renders that i want to share at first.
Here they are, and you also can find them on artstation:

hope you like it :slight_smile:
Note that the beautifull trees come from the awesome @dan_wipf unity3D mTree plugin that is exported ( mesh & textures ) to Blender. Even in Blender, the result is just perfect !!!

Next steps for the project ask i essentially work on unity: scripts, occlusions, GUI, etc… I’m not sure wether it’s a good idea to continue the U3D WIP here as it’s a blender forum, even if what i have to do is a mandatory part of the project in wich blender is another big one.
I know it wouldn’t be a problem that ubisoft post here about anvil devs, provided the models come from blender, but… for carcassonne it’s another story :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway i think i’ll go on with the project wip here until i get kicked-out :wink:

Happy blending !