Carcassonne Medieval city

hey guyz :slight_smile:
I see the question about BGE.
Note that if the ‘using unity’ is a too deep trauma for some, i can delete unity pics and let them imagine what it would look like finally in BGE :wink:

all i do with unity for the moment, is object integration and i target a realtime project in a first person view.
All modeling and texture creation/baking is done in Blender: say 90% of the spent time ( tho i also use GIMP, sorry :fearful: )

Am sorry if i didn’t post this topic in WIP-game-demos. I thought i did but not for sure :confused:
anyway it seems am in there now and i hope this wont bug anyone.

My choice for unity instead of BGE is a pure practical choice. I use to use tools for what they are good at. with unity i code LODs handling, occlusion, PHYSX, android/win/IOS/PS4 targetting and many other things that i could hardly do in BGE ( also because of python performance and as i don’t master the language ).
Sticking to the ‘only BGE’ idea, i should not post anything on unity forum because unity already contains a modeler ( which is nothing but a shit ). Therefore i would surely be said that blender models have nothing to do in unity forum ^^
Wouldn’t this be logic ? :stuck_out_tongue:

At last but not least disagreeing ppl have to note am not here making the apology of unity nor taunt BGE or UPBGE ( which is not part of Blender either ) i just want to show the results of blender capabilities.

My purpose is just to share with the community ( even with those who will try and fail ( :stuck_out_tongue: make me lie !!! ) to integrate some few million triangles in BGE ). For the moment only pics and in the future the whole work done.

Now am fairly confident the moderation team will do the right thing :slight_smile:

Thanks to all and happy blending ! :slight_smile:

EDIT: to be totally honest… errrr… yes i think i got nothing to do here with my topic :confused:
here’s the topic manifest:


Aug 2007

Hello and welcome to the Blender Game Engine WIPs and Demos Forum here at BlenderArtists! Please take a minute to review the posting guidelines for this forum before you post.

Please do not post projects here that were made for other engines. Volunteer requests for such projects should be posted to the Off-topic chat category, non-BGE works in progress should be posted to Works in Progress.

The Games forum is for posting information and content regarding your game projects. Simply put, this is the forum to go to when you want to show off. Acceptable threads for this forum include:

  • My Game
  • Screenshots of My Game
  • New Game Demo
  • New Game Project

Threads not acceptable for this forum include:

  • How do I…?
  • New Tutorial
  • Free Models
  • Game project seeking team

If your game is finished, please post it in theFinished Games category.

Questions related to GE support and usage should be posted in the Game Engine Support and Discussion category, and tutorials or useful things of any kind should go to the Game Engine Resourcescategory. Team projects should use the Team Projects category.

Also be sure to use the thread rating tool. If you especially liked a game, give it some stars!

Happy posting!

plz moderators, tell me where my subject should go :slight_smile:
best regards !

EDIT2: ooooooh finally !!! i found out how to move the topic to pure WIP according to the rules :smiley:
now i know everyone is happy :smiley:
happy blending guyz !!! :slight_smile:

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