Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Mon, Feb 11, 2019 10:30 PM)
“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”
Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.
For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES
Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun!
Cycles, 2000 samples, filmic, freestyle, post processing with Paintshop Pro
I had a Huey in my library (actually one of my first models using blender many years ago) so tried to recreate or at least get the feel of the iconic poster from Apocalypse Now.
The Bell UH-1 Iroquois (nicknamed " Huey ") is a utility military helicopter powered by a single turboshaft engine, with two-blade main and tail rotors. It is still in use today in the US military and other agencies. They are loud and kind of uncomfortable to fly in.
Have to play Ride of the valkyries in the background when looking at the poster.
Open entry. Sorceress character base created with MakeHuman, castle wall texture from TextureHaven.com, all other textures are procedural. Cycles 256 samples + denoising, all works done in Blender.
I think I can also add ‘Cthulhu’ on the title since it rhymes too and still fit the image…
My first idea was meteor rain, btw.
Love the theme! Immediately wanted to take a non human perspective on the apocalypse and wanted to focus on the human role in this. Normally it’s aliens coming to earth but maybe its us all along. Not sure if I will finish on time because I haven’t done anything with underwater scenes before but i’m gonna try
If anyone has some ideas for doing the water + bubbles + plankton floating in the water feel free to jump in cause I am just trying stuff and haven’t gotten it right yet.