Challenge #830 (17/05/19) Entries CLOSED

Thanks. It’s sculpted at a high poly (applied a multires) and then vertex painted within blender. I’ve been baking my own bread (which was the “first time” theme) (and talking about baking in the oven, not normal map baking ) and just started sculpting a baguette. The bread looked like pretty mediocre CG so I added a baloney tongue and olives eyes.

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Works are so good!
I didn’t find time to do something. :disappointed:

There is a first time for everything…

OPENentry, the model(fully rigged and textured) is called Vincent , official model of blender, can be downloaded from blendercloud!
This is the first time I am, participating in this blender weekend challenge; due, to time issues, I could not create anything of my own, as a pure entry.