Challenge #870 "Atmospheric" (21/02/20) Entries CLOSED

You got me beat on this one. :sweat_smile::grin::joy:

But my render does look almost photo real it tricked me into thinking it was for a second. :v::grin:


This is insane! Everyone’s entries this week are just amazing. There is a large variety of submissions as well! :+1:

@deltaray How did you create your render? Is that a procedural node group or something?

Here is my submission:

Alien Planet
Pure, competing

Blender 2.81 Cycles + Compositor

Inspired by No Man’s Sky

The weekend challenges are a great way to experiment with new things, which is what I have been focusing on.
This is a continued experimentation including the adaptive subsurface that I did in with my lava submsission two weeks ago. I also tried to do some volumetrics, which I have avoided a bit because of slow render times and noise from my past experiences. But now, I have discovered ways to optimise rendering and do things much more efficiently, which finally allows for more freedom.
For example, I did not realise I could optimise volumetrics in Cycles. This render only took 7 minutes at 128 samples. (GTX 1060)
I also experimented with the compositor and film settings a lot more. Just messing around with things like contrast and gamma can transform an average render into a cinematic one.

(Edit made to fix up my sentences)


Pure - eevee - 2.82


Crowded sky
Pure. Blender Cycles.


Pure, Cycles.

Unfortunately I didn’t have time to take this to the level I wanted… I would’ve liked to make better grass, more tree variations and some water plants.


update on the original idea:

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Ah, those photos are always classic. Very well-executed!


Rendered with LuxCoreRender on RTX 2080 in 30 min, denoised with OIDN.
All textures are procedural.


@unyxium Yes, it’s mostly done using nodes. The only objects are 3 cubes, a icosphere for the star and a light. The nebulas are principled volumes with procedural nodes creating the shapes. The starfield is a world shader with a noise node hooked up to a color ramp.

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update: Icreased the simulation resolution

just the mesh (no foam/bubble/spray particles) with a simple material and vector motion blur:
another update: these are just the spray and foam particles, since too much bubble particles were being generated, and my 16GB of memory are currently on the rim.
as you can imagine, rendering anything is becoming a challenge right now :slight_smile:
here is a frame without motion blur:

and here is vector motion blur applied:

man, I’m in love with mantaflow.


I really like it, reminds me of some of our sunsets here in Ohio - I really miss using Lux (stupid old pc)

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Anyone want to finish my render for me. :grin:

Just joking. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just have one more thing to do then the final render and the ajustments in the compositer. :v:

Have to mask one small thing while in the compositer. :unamused:

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You went higher res than I did. Lol :joy:
Mine is at 4096 x 2160.

You got bubbles in your water from the rain falling in it. :+1:

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LOL, Two spheres using high res textures from NASA.


Did something similar a few days back, still can;t figure out the cause for the flickering though.


That’s hilarious that the angles came so close to matching :joy:

LOL yeah I had to do a double take. The tutorial is from Iridesium on youtube. Didnt follow it exactly but close enough it is almost cut and paste. Mainly just wanted to see if my laptop could handle 300 frames of an EEVEE rendered animation. Might be the cause for the flickering.

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Ah I see! Yeah, it’s odd, it seems like only the Earth is flickering! Even though the satellite and the moon barely move in comparison, they still seem to be fine. I would try using a dummy earth material temporarily or see if you have overlapping faces or something.

I’ve made Eevee animations as well on this laptop, and all my entries so far have been done with Eevee, so I’m obviously a pretty big fan. It always pains me when people run into some problem with Eevee for some reason, I feel like they’re missing out :joy:

Hope you figure it out!

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Did you know NASA was having a 3d competition
For the best atmospheric habitat for mars living conditions, I came up with an idea for a habitat. :v::grin:

I was looking for competitions around the world to compete in and found out about this it was to late to enter though, but my idea is really good probably better than most ideas. :v::grin:

No offense to anyone. :v: