Challenge #892 "Astronomy" (24/07/20) Entries CLOSED

“Dreaming of great journeys”
Pure entry, made in blender 2.83, render cycles on 300 samples with denoise, most cc done in blender compositor, some painting added in gimp.

I finally had some free time during the weekend and seeing the challenge topic I couldn’t resist to make something. Spaaaaaaaace!!
Came with idea of this person sitting on his terrace dreaming of journeys in which he could participate if he was born many years later.


looks perfect. Is there a rocket or a shooting star?

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Yes, it’s a rocket. Or is it? :wink:
Btw can you explain content of quote? Maybe I’m tired but i don"t get it :frowning:

Wow! I can tell a lot of time went into the person and telescope. Both fantastic models. The lighting and atmosphere is awesome!

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Here is my first contest entry. I hope you like it.


Oooh… suddenly a lot o great renders appear! :heart:

Looks like an F-9 at the background, block 5 (?) :3

A method

Cycles, pure


i dont know what happened with the quote. lol

looks fantastic

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