Challenge #901 "ray of death" (25/09/20) Entries CLOSED

Theme #901 for Friday 25th of September 2020 is:

ray of death

Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Mon, Sep 28, 2020 10:30 PM)

How do I post my entry? Here is an Example: (click to open)

Title: Raydio Silence


Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.

“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”

For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES

Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun! :slight_smile:

I think no Star Wars but Nikola and his electric death ray will be my inspiration :slight_smile:


Skirmish at the Station

Pure entry, 1000 samples. Cutting it close this week, a bit of a rush job on the human modeling…

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Nice! I’m going kinda Death Star . . . well, more like a Death Orange . . . (3dnotguru, you’ve come up with a theme I won’t use Suzanne in, breaking my streak).

Maybe death rays from Suzanne eyes? :wink:

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Title: Sunshine

Pure, Cycles


I’m back! At the moment, only this week end. I have had a lot of other things happen in life that have taken much higher priority.

So, to jump back into the challenges, I have a great interpretation of these “death rays”. (Hint: radiation and a conspiracy theory)


Ha, hope someone else does it! But I did get Suzanne in:

Death Orange

Open entry, Cycles render, 64 samples & compositor denoising in 2.90.1. Composition is Golden Triangles, 8x5 aspect ratio. Open because I used an orange I made last year for my Weekend Challenge entry “Putin’s Propaganda”, Earth texture maps from NASA’s Visible Earth Blue Marble collection, and some texture-work in GIMP. Thing I did for this that I’ve never done in Blender before: hmmmm, well, I’m pretty sure I’ve never made a procedural death ray material. @beau11, I put Fresnel on the Earth for you!

Edited to replace image & blend file, fixed some issues I was having trouble with (don’t have much time this weekend, trying to get this in early).

DeathOrange017c.blend (2.0 MB)


“No, we don’t own a raygun!”

pure entry

At first I felt like letting this one out, but then the topic is kinda unusual and I do like SF a lot, so… have to take my break another weekend I guess!

I satisfied the lazy me by putting an extra-ordinary low amount of work in the materials, and making up for it with lights and compositor.

Ok after sleeping over it, I changed the camera angle a bit, because I worried it is actually hard to see what the point of the whole thing is. Hop it’s better now. Also some more colours and made some items in the background actually visible.


pure entry “the end”

64 samples in evee render engine. @KickAir_8P you and I had quite the same idea!


whenever i scroll past this it starts shuttering like its actually moving on a security camera. Nice illusion, im not sure if it was on purpose but its pretty neat!

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Hi thanks! And no, it wasn’t intended at all. I hope it wont be annoying to people too much haha:)

Nice theme!

Going for the vintage Raygun 2000 here. :slight_smile:

Vintage Raygun




Those walls stood no chance

such an underrated movie :frowning:

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You went significantly more realistic – lookin’ good! :+1:

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Death Ray!

Open Entry. I found the Skeleton somewhere on the internet.


Limitless Energy, pure cycles 1000 samles entry

@Karmon was talking about Nikola Tesla, and that inspired me to reconstruct his project for harnessing universal energy.


thanks man!

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non competing (pure), Cycles, Blender 2.90.1