Challenge #968 "Aircraft on Mars" (07/01/22) Entries CLOSED

Fair enough! I may have been there a few times myself. :wink:

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A strange sub challenge seems to be going on around here… More than 11 years, anyone?

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“Ingenuity is the Default Cube”

Cycles, procedural everything.
512 samples.

Post process
Bloom, gimp.


!! Default cube !!
Yikes, “opportunity” missed.
My title now changed haha!

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Pure Entry (the stars [not mars] are from an image used as the background, I believe this still allows it to be a pure entry as per the rules). The ship was inspired by the interstellar spaceship.


Don’t worry, he’s got a space helmet on under the goggles


I admire your “perseverance” !

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Out of “curiosity”: everything? That sounds like a lot!

Hah, not everything. Materials and some displacements on landscape elements.

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@Helge I Just had a moment and updated the image slightly.
One minute before the deadline = still in time? :slight_smile:

With time to spare! I usually wait at least another 30 minutes before closing the entry thread. :slight_smile:


“Mars is there, waiting to be reached.”
– Buzz Aldrin

This way =>


How did you make this nice marks in the sand, bump texture?

Here is the material. I subdivided the plane a bit as shown, then pulled the verts around a tiny bit.
Displacement and bump are enabled in the material.


@rigoletto I also made some very low poly grains and rocks - around 12 of them.
Then a random selection particle system with a vertex group to add additional randomness.
Geometry nodes will be better for this in the future.

For me I haven’t found a way to avoid adding some actual geometry to sand or dirt.

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Hmm. The Avalon doing a slingshot around Mars instead of Arcturus. Passengers anyone ?
@Helge Is this alright ?

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I think @Gabe_Fuchs just mixed up the movies Interstellar and Passengers. Since it was made clear that the ship’s design was inspired by an ‘existing’ one, I don’t see much of a problem here.


The image I used was entitled “How Realistic Is the Interstellar Ship from ‘Passengers’?,” I guess that’s what got me confused. I just skimmed through a bunch of photos and landed on that one.