Challenge #973 "B-Movie Poster" (11/02/22) Entries CLOSED

but you were more ambitious than I, including the robots as well. I have to set a time limit on myself for these or else I spend way too much time and then have a hard time staying awake at work on Mondays. lol

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Once Upon a Time in a Small Town

Open entry, I used various models from previous entries. The guns a re new.


Nice, you should try it in black/white, and a fancy western font for the header.

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WIP Horror poster… Think you can see where I’m going with this one…

New LP model I started on Sunday for this…

…Leveled up on GN recently with focus on splines… The GN for eye-lashes and the beginnings of the wings are new.
Still some props, a background shader (maybe) and rigging and posing left. Will see if I can finish tonight before the deadline :face_exhaling:

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Bee Movie Poster - apologies went for obvious play on words.

Pure entry, rendered in cycles.

Had intended to spend couple hours on this, but got lost in process and seem to have lost a day…oh well.


Title: The Blender
Purée entry



Pure Cycles render. Blender 3.1 Beta… (Making the wings caused a couple of crashes, but I got there, barely)

Happy valentines day Blenderers!
(for the last couple of seconds that’s left of it)

Process (and judgement of purity)

Imported assets:

Blender default assets:

  • Nishita sky for background, Bfont Regular Font.

Everything else: Materials, LP model, rigging, props, wing and eyelash GNs is brand-spanking new, started on Sunday.


Alan Smithee, ha ha ha.

I take no responsibility. :no_mouth:

Oscars or Raspberries? Let’s find out: