Coming Home

“Coming Home” - Introducing this new project that required some time to perfect.

This project began with the idea of visualizing a long-held dream of mine: a small cabin nestled in nature, which I hope to eventually call my home.

The project was created in Blender 3.5 and rendered using Cycles. The animation’s compositing was accomplished in Davinci Resolve, and the post-processing of the still image was done in Photoshop. The paint effect was done using the RealPaintFX add-on for PS.

Check out my instagram page for the animated version!

The majority of assets are sourced from Quixel, Graswald, Poliigon, Textures,com and the Forestation add-on by Bproduction.

Viewport Render:


Outstanding job you did! :fire::100:


Having similar dream of perfect home it touches the depths of my soul.
Impressive work! Enjoyed looking at it at full size. Paint effect is very good. And animation is mesmerizing! Haven’t seen this realistic forest in renders yet.

Thank you very much!

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Thanks! Glad you took time to look at the small details in full size. Hopefully you dream will become reality one day

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I have always been a great fan of your work, works like yours inspired me to switch to blender, amazing work. love the mood.

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Thank you! Glad to hear that I inspired you to make the switch

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Great image, really like the painted look you achieved

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This is really nice and amazing

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I love that painterly look. It works well with the subject mater.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Great work. I like the composition. When it comes to achiving painting-like look, Cycles is good in this - You could just set fewer samples for render and use denoiser.

Your work is phenomenal, i love this relaxation and peace.

Hello everyone,

Presenting the “Behind the Scenes” article for this beautiful artwork!

Feel free to explore the article written by the artist himself. It takes you through the detailed process of creating the artwork and offers valuable insights into environment design in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn

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Congratulations for the grand win! Awesome image.

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