A small scene I worked on for a weekly challenge on a Discord server I’m a member of. Commodore 64 was my second ever computer many moons ago and I have fond memories of it.
Oh, those sweet memories! I spent ages playing Elite on C64!!
The cassette player, the joysticks (which always got destroyed by playing ‘Summer Games’ with friends)…those were the days, ha, ha, ha.
And amazing job creating this scene. Simply perfect!!
Making this image brought back a lot of memories. I loved Elite. I think it was the first game I played that went beyond simply being fun and started to move into the realm of addiction. The new Elite game is fantastic fun, but the old one was completely ground-breaking. I’ve just checked my HDD and Elite Dangerous is taking up 22,586,552,320 bytes. You can download the C64 Elite version from Ian Bell’s page. It’s 82,000 bytes.
Yep, Elite was fun
But, damn, those tape players! How on earth did we manage haha??
I remember trying to create a horizontal scrolling game, sprite detection and all that… Failed.
And the peak and poke machine code thing… Stacks? A more than faded memory…
SID chip, that was the best part for me. I wrote a program so that I could access the SID chip and alter the sounds. Basic, but fun.
Fond memories here too. The C64 was my first computer and still miss it. It was ahead of its time. Nice render!
I did a few side scrolling and fighting games with sprites. But for the first ones I used basics, cause I couldn’t really program. And they ended up being the most laggy games ever in history of gaming, ha, ha, ha.
Later I used a scrolling routine written in machine code, which I copied from a computer magazine. Entered every number manually - about 10 pages completely filled with numbers!! And don’t you make one mistake!!
I loved my C64… I even had one of those shoebox 5-1/4 disk drives that cost more that the computer itself!
Thanks for the memories.
It’s simply stunning what programmers got out of this tiny amount of free RAM on the C64. They really carefully evaluated every Byte. I guess they had to be much more disciplined than programmers today.
What I loved about games in those days - you still needed your imagination to fill out the worlds. A few lines created a universe in Elite, for example. But most of it was actually imagination. A bit like reading a book.
You are right. What I experience when playing the newer Elite in VR, is what I was imagining when playing the original all those years ago.
Love this!
I had a C128 in 1985, but predominantly played games in C64 mode. It was a great time, had a lot of fun. Sweet memories.
Have a look at this thread as well, if you haven’t already:
Looks amazing! I didn’t own a C64 myself but I played it a lot with friends.
Nice one!
My first two computers were the C64, and later the Atari XT.
I loved that little XT with it’s external 20Mb Harddrive box
The first ‘real’ PC for my CAD work still had a separate co-processor for the 3D stuff.
But it took quite a long time before that PC could do the stuff my Atari could.
3D work and CAD were so fluid and quick to so on a Atari.
Then I got AutoCAD on a PC, it was like knitting with gloves on…
I also dabbled with a Sinclair home computer for a while. Most fun was waiting for the radioshow that broadcasted little games and programs over the air. Tapedeck ready to go on a Saturday afternoon
LOL, yeah, I remember that… I had to get a math coprocessor for my first ever PC, a 286. I think it had a 40MB hard drive, which was massive back that… Now a single ten minute raw animation takes up many GB haha!
Times have changed for sure.
My CAD setup had two monitors already back then, but the second one was monochrome (brown text), just for typing out commands
All that stuff was massively expensive back then, not even talking about SGI machines or Intergraph.
Softimage|3D + a SGI box was easily a 80-100 K.
Yeah, and they were absolutely massive, and hot…
I never got my hands on a Silicon Graphics machine. I am a simple AutoCAD 3D user by trade and by the time I got to work on PDMS (a plant design package) it didn’t need a high end computer to run on.
Back on topic people, nothing to see here
One cute little Trumble for your cargo hold
Amazing colors. This piece is pure retro. well done.