[Completed] - Secret Deer 3.1 (Make a Splash in Amsterdam)

Hi there !
My name is Laura and I have decided to join the adventure of modifying one of the Splash screens!
I decided to start from the splash screen made by Orencloud “Secret Deer”

I love the dark/macabre and very luminous side, which teems with life in this creation.
My idea is to make a little fox with a skull’s head, with several emaciated parts, which will make it possible to see luminous filaments appear which will go towards the ground. Its filaments propel the liminous plants from the ground.
There will surely be other forest element that will be on the fox.
I intend to reuse a large part of the vegetation of the splash screen, for my scene… if the polycount is not abused :sweat_smile:
Here is my mood board:


Here is a sketch of my main direction, there are not all the elements. After watching the splashsreen scenes, I’m going to have to redo most of the vegetation to better optimize it.

Start blocking scene :

And start to retopo some assets. Because I don’t want to have a big load when opening my sketchfab scene


Awesome WIP !


Today I started to work more on the fox. I worked on the basic shape of his head, and his “decomposing” body.
I am doing tests to make the filaments of light. In the splashscreen are many curves, with many vertices. I wanted to try to make bands of polygons, where I just draw the lines on them. I think I’m on the right way.

For the deer antlers, for the base I reused those I had made for another project (https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MTmYmq9ei/)
Then to better resemble the one on the splashscreen, I collected spikes to scatter them on my deer antlers. I will use this base to resculpt them.


I started to sculpt the decor, there is still a lot to do, but it’s progressing…

Retopo again

Optimization done :slight_smile: from 300,000 vertices to 12,000

Now the turn of the fox !


I start to make the retopo of the different elements of the background.

I have difficulty painting with blender tools. It’s very ugly…
So I’m going to try to make my color base with a lighting bake.


after a few tests, I will use this technique. I will have to pay attention to the intensity of my lights, because the bake does not retransmit exactly the same lighting. But I’m happy, because it works :slight_smile:

Instead of spreading life and light like the deer, my fox will spread desolation. I will take several plants from the splashscreen (transform them into a stylized version) and add dead plants, brambles and poisonous plants.


I started painting the background maps

Finally I decided to remove the puddle. It’s an element that I really like on the splashscreen, but it doesn’t fit with my artwork. My fox is supposed to wither things in its path, and water is the source of life. So it didn’t match.

I drew my tree leaves in photoshop. A very green one, one that is starting to die and the last one that is dead.

I did an image as plane import. I did the mesh.

I duplicated some branch of my trees to be able to create the small branches. And then I put the leaves on it. (I tried with a scattering, but it wasn’t pretty, so I placed everything by hand)

And more grass

I have 9 lights that illuminate the scene.


Hey! As we’re entering the final days of the challenge, I’d like to give you some helpful tips to make sure you can successfully complete your entry. Please see my new post on the FAQ topic.

I decided to make brambles that come out of the fox’s paws. I used the curve tool, in draw curve, then I modified the radius of the curve. I transformed them into mesh, and I scatterized with BagaPie the small peaks.


This looks amazing. Nice work! :smile:

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I’m really enjoying watching the progress on this, it’s a fascinating idea and I really like your artistic style :slight_smile:

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@raidin @joseph thank you very much :blush:

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This is looking so good!!! Have you played with the 3.3 hair yet, in regards to the wispy tendrils? I messed around with it yesterday and now that it’s got Geometry Nodes support, a savvy noodler can make alpha hair card tendrils pretty quick. Make sure to get it on Sketchfab by Thursday, September 15, and tag it #bcon22challenge

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last straight line, I baked my scene yesterday, but I’m going to have some touch-ups to do, I have black lines on several maps…

in the end I managed to remove the black lines, with the blur tool of the texture paint

By any chance, did you have denoising on when baking? I think it’s what causes it!

Yes ! I will try with no denoising, hope it will work

I will add some animation in my project. The tail will move, the brambles, a little iddle on the fox. Some tree leaf.

I use bones and an automatic weight with ctrl+P



Hey! Just a quick reminder that there’s now less than 12 ours remaining to wrap up your challenge entry - submissions close at 2022-09-15T21:59:00Z, GMT+1 (click on the link for some international times).

If you haven’t done so already, please review this post which contains some essential information for preparing your submission.

At the very least, upload your work to Sketchfab as soon as possible and add the #bcon22challenge tag.

It’s also a good idea to add a link to your WIP topic in the description of your Sketchfab model so we can easily find it.

I’ll also keep a close eye on the FAQ topic today, so if you have any issues or questions please post it there as soon as possible.

Good luck!

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yes i will do it as soon as possible :cold_sweat:

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