Cutaway Type VII U-Boat WIP

I sent you a PM with additional information.

Hi Mark. Your work on this U-Boat model is absolutely stunning.

I was wondering if I could speak to you about the possibility of using those Ortho Images you posted to create some custom 2d elements for a steam workshop mod u-boat I’ve been building for a game called Barotrauma.

My current one is built fully using in-game resources, but if I could use those shots to make some custom elements it would drastically improve the look/feel (all credit for the original images would of course go to you).

If you deny the use, I’ll understand. Thanks for your time, and for building the best U-boat 3d model I’ve ever seen.

@Ankhimas - I sent you a PM.

@Mark06GT got it thanks. Sent you e-mail.

Unreal details! Really enjoy looking

Hi There. I am currently building the Trumpeter 1/48 model. I am after reference material as the kit is sadly lacking in finer detail. Is there any way you can help either with your work or reference material?

This is incredible work. I am just new to this site. Is it possible to rotate your work to access views from different angles and zoom in to see finer detail?

If you search this thread for “ISBN”, you’ll find a list of references I provided to somebody else.

Another good place to look is the Crush Depth Simulator on Steam. They started with my model, but made it much more accurate.

Crush Depth Simulator

Send me PM if you need more information that that. Good luck with the boat.

It’s been a few years since I was on this site, and THIS is the one model that I’ve always liked the most. I’m so glad to have refound it so I can marvel over the incredible amount of detail and explore what more has been done since I last saw it.

You inspire me like no one else!

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Hi. How can I get copies of these please as I see some images are missing. Im building the Trumpeter 1/48 and these images will help tremendously. Thanks!

I don’t know why pictures in the thread would go missing. Sorry about that.

I didn’t model of the starboard side of the boat, so if that’s what you are looking for, having the model won’t help you.

Have you tried these resources? The guys making the Crush Depth simulator have access to original blueprints and U-boat veterans. Every detail of their 3D model is accurate.

There’s also a virtual tour of the U995:

If these sites aren’t helpful for you project, let me know and we’ll talk offline.

Hey Mark.
I would like to congratulate you on this mesmerising build of yours. It’s astonishing.
You mentioned you cant find enough conning tower pictures.
These links contain pictures of all angles inside the conning tower.
I’d also like to ask if could contact you about using your work?
Best wishes!

Your work is great. As in really, really great. I was looking to use an interior shot from a museum U-boat (fwd torpedo room) to try to create a scene, and when I stumbled across this thread, I was highly impressed by your eye for detail - there are only small traces showing that this was not the photo set! Fabulous, etc, etc, etc. As an engineer, I look for details, and you have them so nailed!

Question: I have need of a couple of shots involving a U-boat - one inside and one deck shot around the gun (and of course, the story WILL evolve - they always do, so the shots / number-of-scenes will change as the story demands!). Since you have by far the best model I’ve found, I’m wondering what you would charge to use your model for my work.

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Mark, you’ve done it again. The Uboat is a masterpiece!! Do you have links to the Holland thread if there is one? - Rich

This is a really old thread, but it’s nice that people still find it interesting. :slight_smile:

@ElrodW - I sent you a PM about your question.

@rgarber - Thanks for the comment. Here’s a link to my Holland thread:

(You can also right click on my icon and select Portfolio to find it)

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It goes without saying that you are perfectly justified in charging money for something as thoroughly done as this . . .

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