EasyBake - Tiny and easy texture baking UI

Hey everyone!

Texture baking in Blender involves a whole lot of clicks, so I created a small texture baking panel to help speed up iteration with texture baking. I have been personally using it for about a year now and it’s saved me a lot of time, so I figured it’s time to share it with you guys as well.

Works with 2.8 and you can get it here: https://github.com/leukbaars/EasyBake

example asset I made with it, all maps baked using easybake:

It is small but very flexible and packed with functions, explained in the following image:

I plan to add more map types as well, as soon as they come online. I’d really like to have metalness in there as well for a proper PBR workflow for example.

I hope someone here gets use out of it and I’d love to hear what you think!

(edit: changed name of the addon from BRM_BakeUI to EasyBake)


If you’ll implement a naming convention, then you should take a look to this (peraphs the dude could even let you use his code if you ask him?) https://twitter.com/PLyczkowski/status/1088527480342937600

I decided to leave naming convention up to the user. Using _lowpoly/_hipoly should work fine with my addon!

I am however working on the ability to have bake by name matching, similar to how substance painter works, should hopefully roll that out soon!

I’ve also changed the name of the plugin to EasyBake - rolls of the tongue a bit easier than what it was before :slight_smile:


Cool! Thus far, the only baking kit I can get to work XD

Couple of thoughts;

-TGA only? is there a way I can alter it to use PNG instead?

-Considered an ID map and Curvature map pass?

-Maybe a bell noise could get our attention when it’s finished a job?

Kind regards,


I can add a little dropdown for different formats, I usually always use tga but png seems pretty popular too :slight_smile:
ID map and curvature I have a test prototype for, ID is easy, curvature is a bit trickier to get a general case usage setup for
Bell noise would be nice haha, great idea :). I’m trying to figure out how to get a mouse cursor progress bar working as well.

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Excellent! really digging the interface btw. I have to break some team members into using Blender, and having such a simple, straightforward GUI for baking is a big help.

Just got this error in windows 10 when low poly baking a colour map from mixed RGB nodes and mixed shader nodes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Simon_Desktop\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EasyBake.py”, line 360, in execute
for o in bpy.data.collections[context.scene.hipoly].objects:
KeyError: ‘bpy_prop_collection[key]: key “” not found’

location: :-1

weird, haven’t seen that one yet. Could you send me the .blend file if possible?

This works really well with the pixel width set to 4 and is very close to what handplane bakes out. Best used with 32-bit full float exr normal larger than your target final resolution.

Is it possible to bake tangent space with just the low-poly? If I enable the ‘low poly only’ option, the normal maps are greyed out.


This is an amazing plugin, i am new to blender do you think you could do a quick start guide with this plugin? Im having some errors and not sure if its me being a noob
Some sort of video would be amazing thanks!

Thank you so much! I have been trying to bake for some time and it honestly is not clicking for me. I’m new to Blender and this is such a HUGE help. I appreciate you!

Is this addon still being developed? I have an issue I can’t solve.

Great addon. Any chance you could pls add export as png?

great addon !!!

can you add 16 bit baking? is this possible?
do you know if Dither is ON for the TGA ?

i am talking about the Section “Banding, Bit Depth and Dithering”
of this Link: https://marmoset.co/posts/toolbag-baking-tutorial/?page=Best%20Results#bestresults

Hi… would love to try the addon but having a small issue…

somehow installing it does not show it in the list of addons.

is the addon dev down?

small update, this is working again now! Code had rotted a bit after recent blender updates but it should be cleaned up again.

Hoping to add features to this again soon as I start using it more again myself :slight_smile:


Nice addon, but unfortunately it doesn’t work as it should in a blender 3.1.1
Seams on the normal map,

I think Ray Distance doesn’t work, no matter what the number, the result is the same.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong, maybe I set the parameters incorrectly somehow? I usually do it at painter but wanted to try this addon.
Try bake in substance painter and its look greate.
Are you planning update this addon in the future? :slight_smile:

Actually this is exactly the result that I would expect. I haven’t tried the addon yet (I rarely do texture baking these days) but my guess is that it simply doesn’t have a ‘unify normals’ option which is on by default in Substance. Turn it off and it will come out the same there. (you could also use smooth shading on the lowpoly instead as a workaround).

I may not be well informed but so far I have not seen any baking addon for Blender that can do this BUT if one could do it there also needs to be the ability to specify on which parts to use it. Because unified normals will result in skewed normal details in some cases. For instance, if you were to add rivets or screws close to the cube’s beveled edges.