Forgotten tools

So I have fixed Connect Spread. This is the same Addon, so the Creator is Stanislav Blinov.
I won’t add any features or change stuff. I only checked for errors with Blender v3.2
W for works
Edit Mode:
Selection Sets +Ctrl subtract +Shift adds - W
Dice Faces - W
Connect Spread Ctrl+D - W
Hinge - W
Straighten Loops - W
Grid Fill All - W
Seperate Duplicate - W
Find Sharp Edges of Selected - W

Converting Selection to loops/rings:
Alt+2 - select loops - like Alt+Select Edge - W
Ctrl+Alt+2 - select rings - like Ctrl+Alt+Select Edge - W
Alt+3 - select boundary loop of Faces - W
Ctrl+Alt+3 - deselect boundary loop - ERROR message
Alt+4, Ctrl+Alt+4 - select loop inner/outer region - don’t know what this does, maybe broken

Object Mode:
Remove from Hierarchy - W
Ctrl + X cut - W
Duplicate Visual Shift+Alt+D - does not work?

UV Propagate active index to all selected objects - not working, because of uv_layers are read only - deactivated

Download it as .zip, install as usual