Generated intertwined shapes (probably for geonodes)


iam solving shape transition to something like naturally generated shapes. Particularly this:

My goal is to take a geometry, for instance a solid table made just of a little bit misshaped cube and apply this process or geo nodes to it. And it will be made out of these structures of different size and thickness but keep the overall shape of the original object.

Can anybody guide me to the right way of modeling this as I have no experience with geo nodes.

For more inspiration aim adding the type of objects I want to make later on:


Many techniques you could try…

maybe SDF volumes?

@Charles_Weaver will know more about what you can do with this.

Otherwise you can use Shader nodes instead with the experimental Cycles Volume shader.

Good luck!

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The tissue tools addon may also come in handy, if you want to create substructures


Or Modifier decimate by vertex groups driven by Geometrynodes Triangulate and Dual and mask made with Geometrynodes etc …

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Definitely will check this addon

Looks amazing, but I have no idea how to work with geo nodes,will need to start learning this tool.

It realy depends on what you need .

Now keep in mind that i use different setups


This looks great, is there a possibility to make the geometry inside the volume as well? These goes around the surface.

You can scatter points in a volume or use any of the 3D textures with some SDF setup.

Hope that helps

will try this, can you post the whole geo nodes setup?


This takes in any mesh and coverts it to a volume then distributes points.

#points are then used for positions to make a line between them all.

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Another approach…

Thinking inside the box, you could also take this approach with cloth sim and pressure and use geonodes to flip the normals.

make yr model a collision mesh,

make your particles cloth and add some pressure and no mass or air viscosity

This is just quick I have seen much better results in some yt videos.

Hope that helps

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Another thing that you can do is something like this - let me know i you need something like this …


Also, have a look @Silex post here, he was doing some advection with 3d noise…

I didn’t post nodes for that setup, but it is done by driving one noise by another, so I’m not sure if this qualifies as advection.

I used proper advection from Entagma’s tutorial here (cubes 001 and 003): The Node Cubes

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Or Just Volumetric shadernodes -

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So far I was testing the method with tissue add-on. Iam happy with the result as how it looks but not about the inside of the model as it works only by the surface not the volume and it stays empty. I will try the next methods.

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If you need a sort off voronoi pattern inside and outside then you need to use sverchok & Geometrynodes

How you made this? Does the Sverchok work with the latest blender version?

Sverchok works fine with Blender 3.6.1 LTS
Credits to the guys from erindale discord server - so can find the setup there if you need - :heart_eyes:
Solution By Genesis