Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups


A new example showing off the optimization & display features is available


@BD3D I’d like to share my personal work where I’ve used you addon (as beta version) to spawn grass.
It was easy to setup and use and it has professional feature that greatly helps in production.


What an awesome work!
You will be happy to hear that a biome pack from alpha tree should be available later this month :slight_smile: it’s up right after vertical scape is out.


what is the way to use Scatter5?

I already selected the emitter-object
I selected the scatter-object

and the scatter-object did not spread

do you have any other procedure to do?


Everything is explained here:

  1. define your emitter
  2. choose a preset in the creation panel
  3. select your objects, from the viewport or in the asset browser (if you choose the asset browser option)
  1. click scatter

A new scatter system will appear on your system list in the tweaking panel

Do not forget to apply the scale of your emitter, everything is explained in detail in the website

I did all this and it didn’t work
my scatter is beta

I’m using it on 2.93.4

is this the problem?

The OpenBeta is over, the official version is now available

I’m using it on 2.93.4

the official version of Scatter5 is for blender 3.0 only, as indicated in the blendermarket page :slight_smile:

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thanks for the help so far.

I have one more question:

is there a way to apply an object along a bezier curve by smoothing the edges? as an outline? like a brush?
it has to be along a bezier curve.

I ask because I didn’t find anything in the manual

thank you again

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“Apply”? you mean scatter?
it’s possible with the Proximity by mesh, if you convert your curve to a mesh (it can be done with modifiers or within the curve properties)

We’ll work on dedicated curve scattering features on a later release :slight_smile:

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1 - what is the most basic form of mesh to use as a scatter object? a plan ?

2 - I already know how to make a scatter take the form of a procedural map.
but I have a doubt
How do I make only the edges look like a procedural map? smoothing according to the distance from the center ?

3 - Is it possible to stack the scatter object between two meshes smoothing the edges as in the image below?

Thank you again

I’m sorry but i do not understand.
Try to use “Deepl” it’s a great translator.

Is it possible to stack the scatter object between two meshes smoothing the edges as in the image below?

I believe that what you are looking for is to create an ambient occlusion mask, you can create ambient occlusion vertex-groups in the “Procedural-Data” subpanel, in “extra”.

However the screenshot you are showing us do not make a lot of sense because there are no emitter terrain

What’s your use case?

1 - what is the most basic form of mesh to use as a scatter object? a plan ?

An Emitter you mean? Yes subdivided planned are best, then you apply some noise displacement.

If you have more questions please contact me via DM


new example file is available, this time, it’s all about the brand new revolutionary ecosystem feature. Quickly made a render with CyclesX

What i love about this feature, is that once your parametric rules are all set, the seed roll dice operator suddenly become x100 better



New example file is available

must have for learning how to create large-landscape single shots

Raw Result/Post Process here


Hello Dorian,
Have you thought of releasing manual scatter as a separate addon?


New example file

i’ll do few more then i stop :angel:


Hi Dorian,
Any plan to add Luxcore materials to the scatter library? I remember you mentioned when scatter 5 was still in Beta. Luxcore now works in Blender 3.0 so I tried with Scattter 5 but no materials.


Nope not the case anymore :slight_smile:

Any plan to add Luxcore materials to the scatter library?

Yes it’s in the TODO :slight_smile:

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Two new example files available

edit* and the last example of the month, about clump distribution, is up too


Hello Dorian!

Is there a way to tell that we are running the most current version of Scatter5 in the addon menu inside Blender? Or do we just need to sign up for email notification through Blendermarket? Also, any chance that we can change its name or add it to another N-Panel tab?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Bobby

it should be said here, in prefs

Capture d’écran 2022-01-14 225531

However, only 5.0 is currently public :slight_smile:

Or do we just need to sign up for email notification through Blendermarket?

Signing up to notification is always best, otherwise, you won’t receive mail updates infos

? Also, any chance that we can change its name or add it to another N-Panel tab?

@chippwalters did a nice plugin to change other plugins N panel name
check out his store

Hope it helps :slight_smile: